Implementation Status of the 2020 Strategy for Rural Development - 
Kingdom of Morocco

Implementation Status of the
2020 Strategy for Rural Development -
Kingdom of Morocco

Summary Report


PDF 536Kb

World Bank
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rome, Italy   2006


This document presents a summary of the study on the status of implementation of the 2020 Strategy for Rural Development. The study took place from January 2004 to April 2005.

The objectives of this study, commissioned by The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Marine Fisheries (MADRPM) and financed by the World Bank under the FAO-World Bank Cooperation Programme, were to report on the status of implementation and to identify recommendations and issues to foster a process of dialogue among rural development stakeholders.

The study was carried out by a team of national consultants1 with the support of the FAO Investment Centre. They worked closely with MADRPM’s Land Development Directorate, which was responsible for supervising the study. Following its terms of reference, the team focused on a review of the institutional and legal context for implementation of the 2020 Strategy and on an analysis of practices of recent or ongoing programmes and projects The team also focused on identifying recommendations and lines of thought for debate. The full report details the findings and recommendations contained in this document and illustrates them with numerous examples taken from field interventions and international experience.

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