Fighting food inflation through sustainable investmentFAO INVESTMENT CENTRE / EBRD




Fighting food inflation
through sustainable

Grain production and export potential in CIS countries

Rising food prices: causes, consequences and policy responses

Information note for FAO/EBRD High Level Conference
London, 10 March 2008

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This information note was prepared by the FAO Investment Centre/EBRD Cooperation Programme for debates during the High-level Conference convened by FAO and EBRD on 10 March 2008. The first topic on “grain production and export potential in CIS countries” prepared by FAO, provides region-specific information on the unrealized grain production potential of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, the three main grain-producing and exporting countries in the CIS. It also gives some indications on policy measures, areas for investment and issues for consideration in realizing this potential. It draws from the findings of an independent study on Grain Potential and the Future Role of CIS Countries on World Grain Markets commissioned by EBRD and FAO to IKAR, a Moscow-based analytical agency. The second topic on Rising Food Prices: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses, was prepared by EBRD for discussion at the Conference.

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© FAO 2008