Deriving Food Security Information From National Household Budget Surveys


Experiences, Achievements, Challenges


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This publication was prepared in the context of the EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Rome, 2008

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ISBN 978-92-5-106110-7

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Table of Contents

    Acronyms   Download  [163 Kb]

    Part 1   Download  [569 Kb]

    Improving food security information from country experiences

    Deriving food security statistics from national household surveys:
    experiences, achievements and challenges

    Part 2  Download  [217 Kb]

    Deriving food security statistics at sub-national levels

    Gender analysis on food security statistics
    by specific population group in the Philippines’ FIES 2003

    Sub-national estimates of food security statistics in Lao PDR’s LECS III

    Food insecurity indicators derived from the 2002/03
    Mozambican Household Survey

    Gender analysis of food security statistics
    by specific population group in Cambodia’s CSES 2003/2005

    Part 3  Download  [168 Kb]

    Consumption versus acquisition approaches for deriving food security statistics

    Food data collected using acquisition and
    consumption approaches with daily diaries in Armenia’s ILCS 2004

    Food data collected using acquisition and consumption
    approaches with a seven-day recall method in Kenya’s KIHBS 2005/2006

    Food data collected using acquisition and intake approaches
    in Cape Verde’s IDRF 2001/2002

    Part 4  Download  [152 Kb]

    Using food security statistics for policy analysis

    Monitoring food insecurity based on Moldova’s HBS 2003 and 2006

    Using food security statistics for policy analysis and actions
    with long-term impact on hunger eradication based on Palestine’s PECS 2005

    Part 5  Download  [216 Kb]

    How to enhance analysis of food security statistics

    Longitudinal analysis using panel data for assessing
    seasonal effects on the food security situation in Tajikistan’s HBS 2005

    Deriving better estimates of food security statistics
    at sub-national levels by integrating Georgia’s IHS and MICS data

    Part 6  Download part 6-7  [318 Kb]

    Methodological issues on analysis of food security

    Towards the measurement of household resilience to food insecurity:
    applying a model to Palestinian household data

    Indicators on food deprivation and income deprivation
    at national and sub-national levels: methodological issues

    Part 7


© FAO 2008