Responding to the food crisis: synthesis of medium-term measures proposed in inter-agency assessments

Responding to the food crisis:
synthesis of medium-term measures
proposed in inter-agency assessments

Gérard Viatte, Jacques De Graaf, Mulat Demeke,
Takashi Takahatake
and María Rey de Arce

This synthesis report has been supported with funds from the European Commission

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Rome, 2009

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This report describes the initial outcomes of a process of exceptionally strong and cohesive action by the development community to curtail the immediate impact of the global food crisis. The establishment of the FAO Initiative on Soaring Food Prices (ISFP) in late 2007 was an early recognition of the seriousness of the situation. It was followed by the appointment of the United Nations High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis (HLTF) and the development of the Comprehensive Framework for Action (CFA), the High-Level Conference organized by FAO in June 2008, the G8 Summit in Japan in July 2008 and the Special Session of the FAO Conference in November 2008, together with a range of other public and private crisis response initiatives, which, collectively, have laid the foundation for possible reform of the governance of world food security.

The inter-agency assessments (IAAs) described in this report were prepared in collaboration with the targeted countries and are the first steps of a reinvigorated, harmonized and holistic approach to eradicating hunger. The report provides a summary of the short- to medium-term actions proposed or undertaken to respond to the food crisis, and draws conclusions concerning the orientation of these actions. The vibrancy and diversity of the initiatives proposed in the IAAs and adapted to specific country situations provide relevant information on priorities for additional funding. In this regard, it is encouraging to note the commitment from development partners and member governments to significantly increase investment in agriculture within a global approach, including human capital. These interventions will undoubtedly contribute to improved food security and more efficient and sustained agricultural systems.

© FAO 2009