Andean Countries: A Strategy for Forestry - III of V

Programmes and Projects

Andean Countries: A Strategy for Forestry

Case Studies: Volume III of V


World Bank
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rome, 2006


This study has two overarching goals. First, it provides a critical review of the main features, threats, and challenges faced by forests and forestry in Ecuador regarding the provision of goods and environmental services, and their implications for economic growth, and people’s well being. Second, it offers some key elements contributing to the formulation of a national strategy aimed at sustainable development of Ecuadorian forestry. By so doing it provides inputs for a blueprint strategy of the World Bank that seeks to determine which might be the critical actions for helping to achieve sustainable forestry management in the Andean countries. The World Bank forestry policy provides general guidelines for the World Bank’s investment support in the forestry sector. This policy, however, needs to be complemented by some country-specific strategies. This document helps to support such efforts by assessing the Ecuadorian case.

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