IN 2050

Proceedings of the Expert Meeting on How to Feed the World in 2050
24-26 June 2009, FAO Headquarters, Rome

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Rome, 2009

The technical papers were commissioned from experts and are published as submitted by the authors.

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ISBN – 978-92-5-106363-7

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Cover page, List of abbreviations and disclaimer - (725Kb)

"Macroeconomic environment, commodity markets: a longer term outlook"

[authors: Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Israel Osorio-Rodarte, Andrew Burns and John Baffes]
Part 1 (225Kb) -  Part 2 (471Kb) -  Part 3 (778Kb) -  Part 4 (537Kb) -  Part 5 (381Kb)

"Poverty, growth and inequality over the next 50 years"

[author: Evan Hillebrand]  - (262Kb )

"World food and agriculture to 2030/50: Highlights and views from mid-2009"

[author: Nikos Alexandratos] - (373Kb)

"World agriculture in a dynamically-changing environment: IFPRI's long-term outlook for food and agriculture under additional demand and constraints"

[authors: Siwa Msangi and Mark Rosegrant] - (496Kb)

"The resource outlook to 2050: By how much do land, water and crop yields need to increase by 2050?"

[author: Jelle Bruinsma] - (344Kb)

"World Food and Agriculture to 2030/50: How do climate change and bioenergy alter the long-term outlook for food, agriculture and resource availability?"

[author: Günther Fischer] - (696Kb)

"Investment requirements under new demands on world agriculture: feeding the world with bioenergy and climate change"

[authors: Siwa Msangi, Simla Tokgoz, Miroslav Batka and Mark Rosegrant] - (250Kb)

"Capital requirements for agriculture in developing countries to 2050"

[authors: Josef Schmidhuber, Jelle Bruinsma and Gerold Boedeker] - (229Kb)

"Investment in developing countries' food and agriculture: assessing agricultural capital stocks and their impact on productivity"

[authors: Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel, Gustavo Anriquez, Hartwig de Haen and Oleg Nivyevskiy] - (438Kb)

"International investments in agricultural prdouction"

[author: David Hallam] - (82Kb)

"Can technology deliver on the yield challenge to 2050?"

[authors: R.A. Fischer, Derek Byerlee and G.O. Edmeades]
Part 1 (168Kb)  -  Part 2 (1,2Mb) -  Part 3 (614Kb)  -  Part 4 (332Kb)

"Setting meaningful investment targets in agricultural research and development: challenges, opportunities and fiscal realities"

[authors: Nienke Beintema and Howard Elliott] - (299Kb)

"Evolving structure of world agricultural trade and requirements for new world trade rules"

[author: Alexander Sarris] - (397Kb)

"Farm support policies that minimize distortionary effects"

[authors: Aziz Elbehri and Alexander Sarris] - (352Kb)

"Challenges and opportunities for African agriculture and food security: high food prices, climate change, population growth and HIV and AIDS"

[author: Hans-P. Binswanger-Mkhize] - (900Kb)

"Can the smallholder model deliver poverty reduction and food security for a rapidly growing population in Africa?"

[author: Steve Wiggins] - (524Kb)

"African agriculture in 50 years: smallholders in a rapidly changing world?"

[authors: Collier, P. and Stefan Dercon] - (180Kb)

* Report of the FAO expert meeting on how to feed the world in 2050 - (242Kb)

* Annex 1: Agenda - (152Kb)

* Annex 2: List of participants  - (37Kb)

© FAO 2009