TRAINING MANUAL on the construction of FRP beach landing boats


the construction of
FRP beach landing boats

John McVeagh
FAO Consultant

Thomas Anmarkrud
FAO Consultant

Øyvind Gulbrandsen
FAO Consultant

Revanoor Ravikumar
Regional Project Coordinator

Per Danielsson
Global Project Coordinator

Ari Gudmundsson
Fishery Industry Officer (Vessels)
Fishing Operations and Technology Service
Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources and Conservation Division
FAO, Rome

Rome, 2010

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This training manual is one of a series prepared during the course of the project GCP/GLO/200/MUL. The conclusions and recommendations given in the document are those considered appropriate at the time of its preparation. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the project.

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The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of FAO.


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© FAO 2010


This manual on construction of fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP) beach landing boats has been prepared primarily to assist small boatyards in Tamil Nadu, India that build beach landing fishing boats, but may also be used as a guide for making good quality FRP boats as well as for FRP training in the region.

The manual should be seen as a supplement to FRP boatbuilding manuals available in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other international publications. It assumes prior knowledge of FRP hand lay-up processes and terms generally used in the industry.

Recommendations on working conditions, materials and quality control are based on tropical ambient conditions and the type of boatyards likely to build such boats.

Part I of the manual contains general information on FRP materials, handling and working conditions. Part II describes the building of a hull plug and a mould and Part III describes the building of a beach landing boat. Finally, Part IV contains information on manufacturing defects and repairs.

The manual has four annexes that provide further information related to FRP boatbuilding. Annexes 1 and 2 contain a bibliography and a glossary, respectively. All drawings for the FAO IND-30 boat design are provided in Annex 3. Finally, Annex 4 contains the draft recommended construction standards for FRP fishing vessels. These standards are a part of the FAO/ILO/IMO Safety recommendations for decked fishing vessels of less than 12 m in length and undecked fishing vessels, which are currently under development.


Acronyms  (Download pdf 140 kb)

Part I - General Information  (Download pdf 412 kb)
1 Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic
2 Material Description and Handling
3 Workshop Facilities
4 Tools to be Used
5 Basic Laminate Building
6 Quality
7 Health and Safety Issues
Part II - Building and Plugs and Moulds  (Download pdf 583 kb)
8 Making the Hull Plug
9 Making the Mould
Part III - Building an FRP Beach Landing Boat  (Download pdf 659 kb)
10 Building an FRP Beach Landing Boat
Part IV - Manufacturing Defects and Repairs  (Download pdf 205 kb)
11 Manufacturing Defects
12 Repairs

Annex 1 - Bibilography  (Download pdf 997 kb; pdf 2.613 kb; pdf 310 kb)
Annex 2 - Glossary
Annex 3 - Drawings
Annex 4 - FRP Construction Standards
Appendix 1 - Illustration of Terms used in the Definitions
Appendix 2 - Recommended Construction Standards for GRP Fishing Vessels