Induced Plant Mutations in the Genomics Era


Edited by G. Y. Shu

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rome, 2009


Table of Contents
Opening Remarks
Opening Remarks
Summary of the FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Induced Mutations in Plants
Closing Statement
A Summary of the International Symposium on Induced Mutations in Plants
(Download - 544Kb)

Opening Session
(Download - 181Kb)

Plenary Session 1
(Download - 511Kb)

    Induced Mutations In Food and Agriculture

Concurrent Session 1
(Download - 579Kb)

    Mutation Enhancement of Genetic Diversity and Crop Domestication

Concurrent Session 2
(Download - 365Kb)

DNA Damage, Repair and Genome Stability

Concurrent Session 4
(Download - 452Kb)

Induced Mutations for Traits that Affect Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Adaptation to Climate Change

Concurrent Session 5
(Download - 773Kb)

Induced Mutations for Enhancing Crop Quality and Nutrition

Concurrent Session 6
(Download - 462Kb)

New Techniques and Systems for Mutation Induction

Concurrent Session 7
(Download - 252Kb)

High Throughput Techniques for Mutation Screening

Concurrent Session 8
(Download - 945Kb)

Mutation Induction and Breeding of Ornamental and Vegetatively Propagated Plants

Concurrent Session 9
(Download - 178Kb)

Induced Mutations in Seed Crop Breeding (1)

Concurrent Session 10
(Download - 1,015Kb)

Induced Mutations in Seed Crop Breeding (2)

Plenary Session 2
(Download - 1,172Kb)

Induced Mutations in the Genomics Era: New Opportunities and Challenges

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© FAO 2010
ISBN: 978-92-5-106324-8