indications: lessons learned from six case studies in Asia

Quality linked to geographical origin and geographical indications: lessons learned from six case studies in Asia

Edited by

Amelie Lecoent, Emilie Vandecandelaere and Jean-Joseph Cadilhon


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Download document : Part I (1.03 MB) Part II (1.05 MB) Part III (896 KB) Part IV (1.43 MB)

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ISBN 978-92-5-106564-8

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©FAO 2010

Cover photos:© Darjeeling Tea leaf and field: Tarit Datta Kintamani Bali coffee: Surip, Mawardi Uvs sea buckthorn Ts. Enkh-Amgalan Jinhua pig and ham: Guihong Wang, Nakornchaisri Pummelo: Emilie Vandecandelaere, Kampong Speu Palm sugar: Emilie Vandecandelaere

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Products of origin-linked quality constitute an important part of the world's food diversity, offering consumers a wider choice, while contributing to food security. They offer rural inhabitants opportunities for income diversification, provided that local and international marketing chains are developed, in which the various actors can benefit from the added value intrinsic to the products themselves. The objective of this publication of case studies is to share information on the current status of rural development and food quality linked to geographical origin in Asia, noting that countries in the region have chosen a variety of institutional options to manage this specific quality scheme.