Forestry policies, legislation and institutions in Asia and the Pacific

Trends and emerging needs for 2020

Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study II


Yurdi Yasmi, Jeremy Broadhead, Thomas Enters and Cole Genge


David Cassells, Gem B. Castillo, Patrick Durst, Francis Hurahura, Akiko Inoguchi, Yudi Iskandarsyah, Serey Rotha Ken, Top B. Khatri, Coi Lekhac, Preecha Ongprasert, Rao Matta, Sithong Thongmanivong, Tint L. Thaung, Pei Sin Tong, Gunawan Wicaksono and Chen Xiaoqian


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO/UN)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade (RAFT)
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC)

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ISBN 978-92-5-106635-5

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This report is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and The Nature Conservancy. The contents are the responsibility of FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United Sates Government, or The Nature Conservancy.

©FAO 2010

Cover design: Chanida Chavanich

For copies write to:
Patrick B. Durst
Senior Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200
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Over the past decade the Asia-Pacific region has experienced tremendous changes in nearly every aspect. These changes have been particularly profound in the forestry sector, where society has dramatically increased its demands and expanded its expectations for goods and services. Almost all countries in the region have moved towards sustainable forest management at the policy level and in many countries institutional structures are also gradually changing. This report reviews the status and trends in forestry policy, legislation and institutions in 12 countries and outlines the extent to which changes in these areas have been effective in supporting transitions towards sustainable forest management. Trends in governance and efforts to tackle illegal logging are also assessed. The report highlights the need to develop consensus over the roles of forestry in national development as a fundamental pre-condition for improving forest management. Policy measures should promote economic growth balanced with resource conservation and poverty reduction. This involves clear and equitable allocation of rights and responsibilities, application of appropriate technology and environmental safeguards, and removal of disincentives for investment in forestry. Most of all, forestry institutions need to be flexible and responsive in capturing opportunities and striving to optimize the contribution of the forestry sector to emerging needs.