FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No. 37, July 2007


FAO Aquaculture Newsletter
No. 37, July 2007

Rome, 2007

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Table of Contents

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Editorial  (Download pdf 856 kb)

Sea cucumber conservation and management  (Download pdf 166 kb)

EIFAC symposium on interactions between social, economic and
ecological objectives of inland commercial and recreational
fisheries and aquaculture
  (Download pdf 166 kb)

Building and consolidating a framework for an Ecosystem Approach
to Aquaculture – Initial steps towards guidelines
  (Download pdf 161 kb)

Information Sharing via the Aquatic Commons  (Download pdf 202 kb)

FAO entrusted to develop guidelines on Aquaculture Certification  (Download pdf 107 kb)

Development of international guidelines on the use of wild
fish for aquaculture production
  (Download pdf 151 kb)

Support to the implementation of the ’diversification’ component
of the FAO Special Programme for Food Security (PSSA) through
the development of poultry production and fish farming
  (Download pdf 217 kb)

Improving Information on Inland Fisheries: lessons from Southeast Asia  (Download pdf 191 kb)

Third Meeting of the RECOFI Working Group on Aquaculture:
Brief report on major outputs and recommendations
  (Download pdf 163 kb)

FIMA-organized meetings/workshops/training courses/task force in 2007  (Download pdf 240 kb)

FAO Expert Workshop on use of wild fish and/or other aquatic species to feed
cultured fish and its implications to food security and poverty alleviation
  (Download pdf 292 kb)

Global Gateway to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing
and Mapping for Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries
  (Download pdf 92 kb)

Enabling small aquafarmers access to insurance: FAO, NACA and APRACA
propose a hybrid approach between insurers and government
  (Download pdf 103 kb)

TCP/BiH/3101: Strengthening Aquaculture Health Management in Bosnia
and Herzegovina
  (Download pdf 201 kb)

TCP/URU/3101: Plan Nacional de Desarollo de la Acuicultura  (Download pdf 157 kb)

Un taller sobre el cultivo de bivalvos en los países Latino Americanos  (Download pdf 78 kb)

FAO/NACA Workshop on “Information Requirements for Maintaining
Aquatic Animal Biosecurity”
  (Download pdf 215 kb)

New FAO Publications  (Download pdf 981 kb)

Back Cover  (Download pdf 766 kb)