FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No. 41, December 2008


FAO Aquaculture Newsletter
No. 41, December 2008

Rome, 2008

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Table of Contents

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© FAO 2011


FAN 41   (Download pdf 115 kb)

Editorial - Biosecurity: a new challenge for aquaculture developers
  (Download pdf 70 kb)

Contents  (Download pdf 313 kb)

Support to the Secretariat of Rural Development for the Preparation
of an Aquaculture and Fisheries Master Plan for the State of Puebla
in Mexico - UTF/MEX/071
(Download pdf 184 kb)

FAO/NACA Regional Technical Cooperation Project “Reducing the
dependence on the utilization of trash fish/low-value fish as feed for
aquaculture of marine finfish in the Asian region”
(Download pdf 199 kb)

On-going process towards regional collaboration infisheries and
aquaculture in Central Asian and Caucasus countries
 (Download pdf 106 kb)

FAO supported the 4th International Symposium on GIS/Spatial
Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences
  (Download pdf 206 kb)

Outcomes of the fourth session of the sub-committee on
aquaculture of the committee on fisheries
  (Download pdf 131 kb)

Gouvernance de l’aquaculture: expériences et leçons apprises
de quelques Etats Membres de la FAO et de certaines Organisations
  (Download pdf 142 kb)

RECOFI-WGA Regional Technical Workshop on Aquatic Animal Health
  (Download pdf 147 kb)

FAO technical assistance to the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea on mariculture
  (Download pdf 154 kb)

FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and
Technical Guidelines on Aquaculture
  (Download pdf 287 kb)

Updates on the Aquaculture Project in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  (Download pdf 120kb)

Misión para la implementación del proyecto “GDCP/RLA/001/SPA|
Desarrollo de la Acuicultura rural y de pequeña escala en América
Latina y el Caribe”
  (Download pdf 218 kb)

Preliminary note on the impact of rising feed ingredient
prices on aquafeed with special reference to Asia and Europe

  (Download pdf 361 kb)

Strategic review of aquaculture extension in Tanzania
  (Download pdf 149 kb)

New Staff Profile   (Download pdf 101 kb)

New FAO Publications  (Download pdf 354 kb)

Back Cover  (Download pdf 130 kb)