FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No. 42, April 2009


FAO Aquaculture Newsletter
No. 42, April 2009

Rome, 2009

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Table of Contents

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© FAO 2011


FAN 42   (Download pdf 123 kb)

Editorial : Managing health and ensuring food safety: a synergy in aquaculture
  (Download pdf 85 kb)

Contents  (Download pdf 1Mb)

FAO Regional Workshop on Development of an Aquatic Biosecurity Framework
for Southern Africa
  (Download pdf 187 kb)

FAO Workshop on Methods and Indicators for Evaluating the Contribution
of Small-scale Aquaculture (SSA) to Sustainable Rural Development

  (Download pdf 247 kb)

FAO Expert Workshop on“Guidelines for the implementation of an ecosystem
approach to aquaculture (EAA)”
  (Download pdf 167 kb)

Cage Aquaculture in the RECOFI region - Highlights of a Recent
Technical Workshop held in Oman
  (Download pdf 141 kb)

FAO supported a symposium on “Small-scale aquaculture for increasing
resilience of rural livelihood in Nepal”
  (Download pdf 156 kb)

Fourth Meeting of the RECOFI Working Group on Aquaculture:
A proposed work plan for the next biennium
  (Download pdf 165 kb)

TCP/ALG/3103 Support to the development of desert aquaculture
and management of brackish water basins in Algeria
  (Download pdf 266 kb)

Central Asia: TCP/RER/3205 Advice to central asian governments on
the feasibility of commercial fish and livestock feed production

  (Download pdf 164 kb)

Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010  (Download pdf 231 kb)

A new web-based information system for aquaculture development:
the regional aquaculture information system (RAIS)
  (Download pdf 84 kb)

Aquaculture information management and traceability system in Thailand
  (Download pdf 244 kb)

FAO provided support to Malaysia through TCP/MAL/3201 (D): Identification
of capacity building needs of the Malaysian fish inspection
system to meet international market requirements
  (Download pdf 387 kb)

Latest developments in the establishment of a regional fisheries
and aquaculture arrangement for Central Asia and the Caucasus

  (Download pdf 94 kb)

Melamine in fish feed and implications for safety of aquaculture products
  (Download pdf 175 kb)

Use of environmental friendly feed additives and probiotics in
Chinese aquaculture
  (Download pdf 648 kb)

Training course on the “Use of GIS in fisheries and aquaculture”
at the federal university of rio grande do Sul (FURG) in Brazil

  (Download pdf 216 kb)

Special Achievement in GIS Award  (Download pdf 107 kb)

FAO Press Release: Zambezi hit by killer fish disease risks spreading
to other parts of Africa
  (Download pdf 76 kb)

New FAO Publications  (Download pdf 194 kb)

Back Cover  (Download pdf 149 kb)