Farm Business School handbook: Training of facilitators programme for South Asia


Farm Business School handbook: Training of facilitators programme for South Asia

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2011


Dramatic changes are taking place in farming worldwide as a result of globalisation, liberalisation, and rapid urbanisation. Farmers are intensifying existing patterns of production and diversifying their farm enterprises in an attempt to improve their livelihoods. Technical know-how is not enough. In order to be competitive and take advantage of the new opportunities that are arising, farmers increasingly have to adapt their farm business to market changes and improve efficiency, profitability and income. Farmers’ skills and capacity can only be built through a process of learning and practice. The Farm Business School (FBS) has been developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to help farmers learn how to make their farming enterprises and overall farm operations profitable and able to respond to market demands. The learning takes place at the village level and farmers' capacity in entrepreneurial and management skills is built via a "learning by doing" approach. Extension officers and lead farmers are trained as facilitators and then organise seasonal training courses, where farmers work in small groups at their own pace using materials that have been specially designed for the schools. The Training of Facilitators Programme consists of two parts: 1) a facilitators manual and 2) a handbook for the participants. This publication presents the handbook.

Table of Contents

Session 1: Getting to know each other
Session 2: Introduction to the Farm Business School (FBS)
Session 3: Communication skills
Session 4: Effective facilitation
Session 5: Understanding the FBS curriculum
Session 6: Roll-out of FBS meetings
Session 7: Orientation & mobilization of communities
Session 8: Organizing & managing the FBS
Session 9: Planning the FBS curriculum
Session 10: Evaluation & close

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ISBN 978-92-5-106816-8

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