FAO Decentralized Offices - Where Knowledge Becomes Action

FAO Decentralized Offices

Where Knowledge Becomes Action

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2011


Since 2006, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has embarked on a major strengthening of the decentralization process, aimed at bringing FAO closer to its Members. This has entailed not only a more decentralized structure, but also a new management approach with increased delegation of authority and an environment that encourages staff creativity and initiative.

Decentralization is part of a wider reform of FAO to strengthen its role as a centre of excellence and better define its work programme and responsibilities in support of sustainable agricultural development.

FAO’s decentralization strategy aims to improve the effectiveness of the Organization’s work at the country, subregional and regional levels. At country level, this is achieved through direct interaction with national authorities and better coordination of activities within the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), as well as with local representatives of donor governments and international financing institutions. Being close to the stakeholders, NGOs, civil society and private sector, also offers better opportunities for national capacity building as well as the use of local expertise.


FAO Regional, Subregional and Liaison Offices



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List of Acronyms


For general information about FAO Representations
contact FAO’s Office of Support to Decentralization
[email protected]
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00153 Rome, Italy

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