Good practice in the design, management and operation of a fresh produce packing-house


Good practice in the design, management and operation of a fresh produce packing-house

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2012


Changes in the marketing structure for fresh produce in the Asia-Pacific region and growing consumer demand for fresh produce that is safe and of good quality means there is a need to focus on the implementation of good practices in fresh produce supply chains. Within the post-harvest system, well designed packing-house facilities that conform to the principles of good manufacturing practices and which are equipped with an appropriate level and scale of post-harvest technology are important components of the infrastructural base to support value addition, quality and safety management in fresh produce supply chains. This publication documents good practices in the design, management and operation of fresh produce packing-houses and is intended as a resource guide for key stakeholders in the region such as extension specialists, farmer organizations, clusters and cooperatives.

Table of Contents

List of photos
List of figures
List of tables
List of units
Acronyms and abbreviations
Chapter 1: Overview
    Design considerations
Chapter 2: Packing-house operations
    Key packing-house operations
    Basic information required to inform the level and scale of pack-house operations
    Pack-house equipment
Chapter 3: Packing-house layout and finishing
    Floor area requirements
    Elements of construction design and finishing
Chapter 4: Operation and management of the pack-house facility
    Principles of good manufacturing practice
    Sanitation practices
    Miscellaneous requirements
    Ripening calculations
    Measurement of Total Soluble Solids (TSS), Titratable Acidity (TA) and pH
    Principles and methods of pre-cooling
    Fundamentals of refrigeration
    Calibration of a thermometer
    Sample calculations

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ISBN 978-92-5-107194-6

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