Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission. Strengthening assessment of fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region for policy development


Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission. Strengthening assessment of fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region for policy development

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2012


Strengthening assessment of fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region for policy development At its 31st session, the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) emphasized the need for lower cost fishery assessment methods that are not heavily reliant on survey cruises and for developing assessment techniques for data-poor, small-scale fisheries based on qualitative data and risk-based approaches. It also identified the need for improved management of aquaculture at the farm and sector levels. As a result, APFIC organized a regional consultative forum on strengthening assessment of fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region for policy development convened in Yangon, Myanmar from 4 to 6 October 2011. The workshop brought together 58 participants from member countries and regional partner organizations to discuss, hold consultations on, and influence the region’s efforts on developing and applying various types of fishery and aquaculture related assessments to support the management process. In the context of capture fisheries, the focus was on reviewing how existing assessment approaches can contribute to the different phases of the management process. The focus in aquaculture was to help develop standards for environmental impact assessments and footprint type activities to support ecosystem approaches to management. This publication reports on the outcomes of the workshop, including a summary of the recommendations.

Table of Contents

Summary of recommendations
    Capacity building
    The need to promote fishery management planning
    Fishery Improvement Planning Process (FIPP)
    Developing Fishery Management Plans (FMPS)
    Promoting responsible, sustainable aquaculture development
Background to the workshop
Opening ceremony
Introduction to the workshop and its objectives
Case studies of fishery and aquaculture assessments
    Transition to best fisheries management practice: Combined assessment and
        fisheries improvement methodology
    Rapid assessment of fisheries for management planning purposes – case studies
        from Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines
    Building integrated assessment models incorporating multiple sources of
        information: Where we are with Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) and where to go
        from here?
    Mixed-species fisheries
    The IFFO Improvers Programme: A means to encourage and demonstrate
        commitment to the responsible production of fishmeal and aquaculture
    The good fish code – better fisheries through co-management
    Sustainable Sourcing – a private sector perspective
    Lessons learned from FAO’s work in fishery-related assessments
    Market demand for MSC certification: incentivizing fishery improvement projects
    SEAFDEC pelagic programme
    Fishery improvement plan for small-scale tuna hand line fisheries in the Philippines
    Assessment tools in aquaculture: Import risk assessment
    Trawl fisheries bycatch management project: Objectives, challenges and outcomes
Country examples of fisheries assessments
    Population parameters and dynamic pool models of commercial fishes in
        the Beibu Gulf, northern part of the South China Sea: A case study of stock
        assessment based on length frequency data
    Creating the Aleutian islands fisheries ecosystem plan
    Fish forecasting in Malaysia
    Fisheries and aquaculture in India
    Stock assessment of marine fish resources in Thailand
    Monitoring Dai Fisheries in Cambodia
    Pakistan – Fisheries Assessments
Country examples of aquaculture assessments
    Assessment of the aquaculture development programme in Viet Nam, 2000–2010
    Risk analysis of importing white shrimp Penaeus vannamei diseases into
        Thai waters
    Ecosystem approach to shrimp farming in the north western province of Sri Lanka
    Management & policy implications for coastal aquaculture development
        in Bangladesh
    Environmental impact assessment and monitoring in aquaculture
    Small fish production: Sustainable approach to aquaculture of Nepal
    An overview of Import Risk Analysis (IRA) for fish and fisheries products in
        Indonesian fisheries
    Assessment of fisheries and aquaculture in Myanmar
Discussions of the working groups
    Working group composition
    Fishery working groups
    Aquaculture working group
    Summary of the findings of the working groups
    Agenda of the regional consultative workshop
    List of participants

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ISBN 978-92-5-107265-3

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For copies write to:Simon Funge-Smith
Senior Fishery Officer
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