South Asian forests and forestry to 2020: Subregional report of the second Asia-Pacific forestry sector outlook study


South Asian forests and forestry to 2020. Subregional report of the second Asia-Pacific forestry sector outlook study

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2012


In the 14 years since the first Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study was completed in 1998, the region has experienced tremendous change in nearly every aspect. These changes have been particularly profound in the forestry sector, especially in the context of increasing demands and expectations of society on forests and forestry. This report on South Asia summarizes the key findings and results collated under the second Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study – a comprehensive effort spanning nearly four years and involving all the member countries of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission. Based on seven country outlook reports and numerous thematic studies, the report provides an assessment of developments in the South Asian forestry sector , linking it with larger societal changes. It gives an overview of the forestry sector, including the economic, social and ecological significance of forests and summarizes major developments, including changes in demand for forest products and ecosystem services, specifically highlighting resource constraints in the subregion. The publication analyses the key factors driving developments in the sector, scenarios that may unfold and how forests and forestry are likely to evolve to the year 2020. The report also outlines priorities and strategies to enhance forestry’s contribution to societal well-being.

Table of Contents

Executive summary
    Forests and forestry
    Change drivers
    Scenarios and their implications
    Forests and forestry in 2020
    Priorities and strategies
Chapter 1: Introduction
    Scope and objectives
    The process
    Report structure
Chapter 2: Forests and forestry in South Asia
    Land use: An overview
    Forests in South Asia
    Forest management
    Forest policies, legislation and institutions
Chapter 3: Economic, social and environmental importance of forests
    Production, trade and consumption of wood and wood products
    Wood industry in South Asia
    Wood energy
    Summary overview of the wood products sector
    Non-wood forest products
    Ecosystem services
    Socio-economic importance of the forest sector
    Economic, social and environmental benefits: An overview
Chapter 4: Drivers of change
    Demographic changes
    Economic changes
    Environmental changes
    Political and institutional changes
    Developments in science and technology
    Change drivers: An overview
Chapter 5: Probable scenarios
    Scenario analysis     South Asian development scenarios
    Key characteristics of the scenarios
Chapter 6: South Asian forests and forestry in 2020
    State of forests and trees
    Forest products
    Ecosystem services
    The green economy scenario
    Forest transition in South Asia
    Scenarios and their implications: an overview
Chapter 7: Priorities and strategies
    Priorities and strategies: an overview

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ISBN 978-92-5-107263-9

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For copies write to:Patrick B. Durst
Senior Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
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