Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals

Global forest land-use change

FAO Foestry Paper 169

Rome, 2012

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Acronyms and Abbreviations
Executive Summary
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1. introduction

2. Methods and materials

    Land cover and land use
    Systematic sample design Imagery data sources Image preprocessing
    Automated land-cover classification Training the classification
    Land-use classes
    Conversion of land cover to land use
    Expert interpretation, validation and correction of land cover and land use
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3. Data analysis

    No data Adjustment for latitude and area weighting
    Aggregation for regional and climatic domain analysis
    Forest area: gains and losses
    Annualizing forest-area change
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4. Results and discussion

    The area in forest land use declined between 1990 and 2005
    Global forest loss and gain
    Regional differences in forest loss and gain
    Differences in the annual rate of change by region and climatic domain
    Comparison with other FA O studies
    Causes of land-use change
    Accuracy assessment
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5. Conclusion

    Integration of coarse resolution satellite imagery to help classification
    Importance of visual review and revision of classification
    The utility of LANDSAT for global monitoring
    Establishment of global networks
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Annex 1. Country-specific review-and-revision methodologies 33
Annex 2. Survey sites processed vs analysed 35
Annex 3. Review-and-revision contributors 37
Annex 4. Details of calculation
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ISBN 978-92-5-107399-5

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