
of the
Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations


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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Global food production capacity is sufficient to feed the world’s current population, yet FAO’s latest estimates indicate that almost 870 million people are undernourished in terms of energy intake. Efforts to eliminate world hunger are complicated by a number of complex global challenges, including a rapidly increasing population, urbanization, globalization and its effects on agriculture, pressure on natural resources, climate and environmental changes, and a rise in resulting disasters and emergencies.

In the face of these challenges, FAO is focusing its entire work effort on five overarching objectives: eradicate hunger, together with food insecurity and malnutrition; make agriculture more productive, yet more sustainable; reduce rural poverty; create agricultural and food systems that are at once more inclusive and efficient; build the resilience of livelihoods to disasters and emergencies.

As a specialized UN agency and knowledge organization, FAO has a well-established and broad-ranging publishing programme, and we are continuing to build on this with an increasingly dynamic and interdisciplinary range of titles in direct support of the Organization’s strategic objectives. In this catalogue you will find a rich body of technical studies, guidelines, outlooks and topical reports on major issues at the centre of international development debate and policy change. In line with FAO’s commitment to open access publishing, all catalogue and most backlist titles are freely downloadable in PDF format from www.fao.org/docrep, while new arrangements with a number of content aggregators and publishing partners are expanding access to FAO titles even further. A recent rise in the number of FAO depository libraries is another indicator of the worldwide demand for our publications and reflects the country focus as well as the global scope of FAO’s overall publishing programme.

Our main aim is to deliver FAO’s content in the way that best suits individual users’ needs, no matter where they are located. This year we have accelerated efforts to tailor information and data products for delivery on a wide range of mobile devices, and there has been an encouraging response to our recently launched e-book programme (see catalogue entries flagged with the e-book icon). New e-book titles will be added over the coming months, as will selected mobile applications designed to offer core information and data at the right time and in the right place. We encourage you to keep up to date on these and other FAO publishing developments at www.fao.org/publications.

Table of Contents



FAO forthcoming titles




Animal production and health




Climate change


Economic and social development


Fisheries and aquaculture


Food and nutrition




Land and water development




Plant production and protection




FAO distributors and global network of agents


Index of titles


FAO publications may be ordered directly from FAO by writing to: [email protected] or via a network of distributors, agents and booksellers in more than 70 countries worldwide. For a full listing of FAO’s global network of distributors, please see p. 65 of this catalogue or visit our online catalogue at www.fao.org/icatalog/inter-e.htm.
Terms and conditions of sale vary by distributor and country.

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As the leading UN agency for agricultural and rural development, FAO publishes print and electronic publications covering all fields of food and nutrition, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, the environment, and related aspects of economic and social development. FAO publishes in six official languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian), supports publishing of its titles in other languages, and engages in copublishing projects worldwide.

FAO welcomes enquiries from commercial and institutional publishers interested in expanding the outreach of FAO information by copublishing either first editions or translated editions.