Information and communication technologies for sustainable agriculture
  Information and communication technologies for sustainable agriculture – Indicators from Asia and the Pacific


Information and communication technologies for sustainable agriculture – Indicators from Asia and the Pacific

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2013


The demand for food is expected to increase by over 60 percent over the next 40 years as the global population reaches 9 billion. FAO estimates that 91 percent of the increase in food production needed to meet this demand must come from yield increases based on advancements in agricultural research, and its application and transmission to farmers through effective research–extension linkages. Half a billion small family farms produce most of the food consumed in developing countries, but their productivity is generally lagging. The success of developing countries in increasing agricultural productivity will strengthen the resilience of food markets, enhance food security and promote sustainability. This publication examines the role of information and communication technologies, information and communication management, and information knowledge management for agricultural research development (AR4D) among countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

Table of Contents

Abbreviations and acronyms
PART I : Status and strategies on ICT/ICM for AR4D in the

    Background note
    Status of ICT/ICM in the Asia-Pacific
    Current status of ICT/ICM in AR4D
    Trends in ICT/ICM
    Opening access in sharing agricultural data and information
    Strategies for ICT/ICM in AR4D

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PART II : Technologies for agricultural information sharing
    The emerging contours of new agricultural development
    From the real farm to the server farm and back: The critical role of
        openness in sustaining an information and knowledge ecosystem
        in AR4D in the Asia-Pacific region
    Radio – still viable in a connected world
    Mobile telephony in agriculture: Unlocking knowledge capital of the
    mAgriculture in India: The contribution of mobile telephony for
        dissemination of agriculture-related information to farmers
    Big data and agriculture
    Transformative power of mobile broadbandfor agriculture
    Country-wide agro: ICT infrastructure and stakeholder cooperation
        for the benefit of farmers including smallholders

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ISBN 978-92-5-108107-5 (print)
E-ISBN 978-92-5-108108-2 (PDF)

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