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VII. Membership, elections and appointments

A. Admission of new member nations and associate members
B. Status of British Guiana and Mauritius
C. Withdrawal of Indonesia
D. United republic of Tanzania
E. Election of council member
F. Appointment of the independent chairman of the council
G. Appointment of the FAO staff pension committee

A. Admission of new member nations and associate members

515. The Conference had before it:

(a) Applications for membership from:

The Republic of Zambia

(b) Applications for associate membership on behalf of:


516. All the above applications were submitted within the time limit prescribed by Rule XIX of the General Rules of the Organization. They contained or were supplemented by the formal Instruments required under Article II of the Constitution and were thus found to be in order.

517. The Conference proceeded to a secret ballot on the five applications in accordance with Article H. 2 of the Constitution and Rule XII. 9 of the General Rules of the Organization.

518. The results of the voting were as follows:

Votes cast: 87, For: 87 Against: 0 Abstentions: 2
Votes cast: 88, For: 88 Against: 0 Abstentions: 1
The Republic of Zambia
Votes cast: 88, For: 88 Against: 0 Abstentions: 1
Votes cast: 86, For: 86 Against: 0 Abstentions: 3
Votes cast: 85, For: 85 Against: 0 Abstentions: 4

519. The Conference decided that when Basutoland and Bechuanaland become independent, their status in the Organization would become that of full membership once the Government of the new Independent nation submitted to the Director-General an instrument confirming its desire to be Member of the Organization and its acceptance of the obligations of the FAO Constitution. This change of status would take effect on the day on which the aforesaid instrument was received by the Director-General, If found valid. All Member Nations would be notified Immediately accordingly.

520. At the request of the Government of the United Kingdom, the Conference did not proceed with the United Kingdom's application for associate membership for Southern Rhodesia.

B. Status of British Guiana and Mauritius

521. The Conference was Informed that the Director-General had received two communications from the United Kingdom requesting that action be taken in order that the two above Associate Members be granted full membership of the Organization upon attaining Independence, subject to the Governments of British Guiana and Mauritius confirming at that time their desire to become full Members of the Organization and accepting the obligations of the Constitution.

522. The Conference noted that when British Guiana and Mauritius were admitted as Associate Members at the Eleventh Session of the Conference in 1961, no proviso had been Included regarding the granting of fall membership. The Conference therefore adopted the following resolutions:

Resolution No. 38/65

Status of British Guiana


Noting that British Guiana had been granted associate membership in the Organization from 9 November 1961,

Further noting that British Guiana will shortly become Independent,

Decides, at the request of the Government of the United Kingdom and in accordance with a precedent established at Its Tenth Session, that.

(a) British Guiana should become a fall Member Nation of the Organization after It has attained independence and after the Government of the newly- Independent nation has submitted to the Director-General in instrument confirming its desire to be a Member of the Organization and Us acceptance of the obligations of the Constitution;

(b) this change of status should take place on the date of receipt by the Director-General of the aforesaid instrument, If found valid;

(c) all Member Nations should immediately be notified accordingly.

(Adopted 8.12.65)

Resolution No. 39/65

Status of Mauritius


Noting that Mauritius has been granted associate membership in the Organization from 9 November 1961,

Further noting that Mauritius will shortly become independent,

Decides, at the request of the Government of the United Kingdom and in accordance with the precedent established at its Tenth Session, that:

(a) Mauritius should become a full Member of the Organization after it has attained independence and the Government of the newly-independent nation has Submitted to the Director-General an instrument confirming Its desire to be a Member of the Organization and its acceptance of the Constitution;

(b) this change of status should take place on the date of receipt by the* Director-General of the aforesaid instrument, if found valid;

(c) all Member Nations should be notified accordingly.

C. Withdrawal of Indonesia

(Adopted 8. 12. 65)

523. The Conference took note that Indonesia would cease to be a member of the Organization on 12 February 1966, and that Its financial obligations include the entire year 1966.

D. United republic of Tanzania

524. The Conference took cognizance of the merger of Tanganyika and Zanzibar on 26 April 1964, and recognized officially that the United Republic of Tanzania replaced the former Member Nation Tanganyika, and the former Associate Member Zanzibar (see paras. 496 and 497).

E. Election of council member

Additional council seats

525. In order to save time on the voting for uncontested Council seats, the Conference agreed to the proposal to suspend Rule XII-9(a) of the General Rules, and that such seats be filled by clear general consent without the formality of a ballot. The Conference requested the Council to consider Rule XIII.9 (a), possibly with the assistance of CCLM, with a view to amending this paragraph so that in future the Conference need not cast ballots for Council seats in regions where the seats are uncontested.

526. The Conference elected the following Member Nations for membership of the Council:

Period: December 1965 to 31 December 1968

Region and, Seats


Africa (two) Ivory Coast
Europe (one) Yugoslavia
Latin America (two) Brazil
Costa Rica
Near East (two) Afghanistan
North America (two) Canada
United States of America

Period: 1 January 1967 to November 1969

Region and Seats


Africa (one) Mau
Asia and Far East (two) India
Europe (three) France
United Kingdom
Latin America (one) Chile
Near East (one) United Arab Republic
S.W. Pacific (one) Australia

Additional council seats

527. In accordance with the decision of the Conference the following terms of office of the additional four Council seats were decided by lot:

December 1965 to 31 December 1968

  • Colombia
  • December 1965 to 31 December -1966 and 1 January 1967 to November 1969

  • Uganda
  • December 1960 to November 196

  • Chad
  • F. Appointment of the independent chairman of the council

    528. After having proceeded to a secret ballot in conformity with Rule XXXIII of the General Rules of the Organization, the Conference &Minted Mr. Maurice Gemayel Independent Chairman of the Council for a period of two years (i.e. until the end of the next regular session of the Conference), and decided that the allowance attached to this office should be the same as for the biennium 1964-65, and that the per them allowance for the Chairman, while in Rome, will be established at U.S. $23.

    G. Appointment of the FAO staff pension committee

    529. In accordance with Article XX of the Regulations of United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund the Conference reappointed

    Mr. M. H. Brodhaag
    Agricultural Attaché
    Resident Representative of the Netherlands to FAO
    Royal Netherlands Embassy

    Mr. Hussein Sadegh
    Minister Plenipotentiary
    Resident Representative of Iran to FAO
    Imperial Embassy of Iran

    Dr. Vittorio de Asarta
    Italian National FAO Committee

    as members of the Staff Pension Committee, and

    Mr. Ahmed Barkat
    Agricultural Counsellor
    Resident Representative of Pakistan to FAO
    Embassy of Pakistan


    Mr. E.A. Okwuosa
    Agricultural Attaché
    Resident Representative of Nigeria to FAO
    Embassy of Nigeria

    as alternate members of that Committee.

    530. The Conference appointed

    Mr. Paul Byrnes
    Office of International Administration
    Bureau of International Organization Affairs
    Department of State
    Washington, D. C.

    as alternate member of the Committee, all appointments being for the period 1 January 1966 through 31 December 1967.

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