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Books received

BATEMAN, Bryant A. (ed). Forest wildlife management. Louisiana State University Press, 1968. 107 p., $5.00

CHAPPELLE, DANIEL E. Financial maturity of eastern white pine in New York State. State University College of Forestry, Syracuse, New York 13210, 1966. 261 p., $1.50. Technical Publication No. 91.

HILEY, W.E. Woodland management. 2nd ed. edited by C.W. Scott and R.W.V. Palmer, Faber and Faber Limited, 24 Russell Square, London, 1967. 464 p., £6.6.0.

JOHNSTON, D.R., A.J. GRAYSON, and R.T. BRADLEY. Forest planning. Faber and Faber Limited, 24 Russell Square, London, 1967. 541 p., £6.6.0. "Will undoubtedly become the recognized textbook on the subject."

Liste des Nations Unies des pares nationaux et réserves analogues. IUCN, Morges, Switzerland, 1967. 550 p.

Das Naturparkprogramm in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Deutscher Bundes-Verlag, 53 Bonn, 1967. 71 p., DM 1.80 (reduction on quantities).

NEWBOULD, P.J. Methods for estimating the primary production of forests. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1967. 62 p., 7s.6d. International Biological Program Handbook No. 2.

SHIRLEY, HARDY L. and PAUL F. GRAVES. Forest owner. ship for pleasure and profit. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New York, 1967. vii + 214 p., S5.50.

WILLIAMS, JOHN G. A field guide to the national parks of East Africa: mammals and rarer birds of the area. Collins, St. James's Place, London, 1967. 352 p., illus., £2.5.0.


Published by the International Labour Office with the collaboration of the Economic Commission for Europe and of FAO, this new illustrated handbook is directed toward the safety and health activities of the individual forestry undertaking

In addition to describing basic rules for the safe handling of forestry tools and machinery, and for the organization and execution of potentially dangerous main activities carried out in the forest, the guide discusses the forest worker and his environment with particular emphasis on work physiology, nutritional requirements and protection against natural hazards. It also describes the development of an active program of occupational safety and health.

Guide to safety and health in forestry work. Published by the International Labour Office, Geneva, 1968. Available in English, French and Spanish. Price U.S. $2.25.


Prepared by the FAO Forestry and Forest Industries Division, this directory provides a guide to countries wishing to purchase equipment.

The directory covers 149 tools or items in the following categories: surveying equipment; seed collecting, handling, storage, testing and transport equipment; planting tools; tools for felling and related operations; pruning tools; chemical treatment; forest fire suppression equipment; miscellaneous equipment. It contains the addresses of 768 manufacturers in 29 different countries.

International directory of manufacturers of forestry instruments and hand tools. Trilingual (in English, French and Spanish); obtainable through FAO Sales Agents or from FAO Distribution and Sales Section, Rome, Italy; price U.S. $2.50 or 12s. 6d.

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