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XII. Membership elections and appointments

A. Admission of new member nations and associate members
B. Republic of Indonesia
C. Appointment of the director-general
D. Appointment of the independent chairman of the council
E. Election of council members
F. Appointment of the FAO staff pension committee
G. Vote of thanks to Dr. B. R. Sen

A. Admission of new member nations and associate members

Arrears of the Hungarian People's Republic

676. The Conference had before it:

(a) Applications for membership from:


(b) Applications for associate membership on behalf of:


677. All the above applications were submitted within the time limit prescribed by Rule XIX of the General Rules of the Organization. They contained or were supplemented by the formal instruments required under Article II of the Constitution and were thus found to be in order.

678. The Conference proceeded to a secret ballot on the five applications in accordance with Article 11-2 of the Constitution and Rule XII-9 of the General Rules of the Organization.

679. The results of the voting were as follows:

Number of ballot papers issued: 96

Admission of Barbados

1. Number of votes cast: 87
2. Majority required: 58
3. Votes for: 86
4. Votes against: 1
5. Abstentions: 8
6. Defective ballots: 1

Admission of Bulgaria

1. Number of votes cast: 87
2. Majority required: 58
3. Votes for: 85
4. Votes against: 2
5. Abstentions: 8
6. Defective ballots: 1

Admission of Hungary

1. Number of votes cast: 85
2. Majority required: 57
3. Votes for: 83
4. Votes against: 2
5. Abstentions: 10
6. Defective ballots: 1

Admission of Bahrain

1. Number of votes cast: 80
2. Majority required: 54
3. Votes for: 75
4. Votes against: 5
5. Abstentions: 14
6. Defective ballots: 2

Admission of Qatar

1. Number of votes cast: 83
2. Majority required: 56
3. Votes for: 81
4. Votes against: 2
5. Abstentions: 12
6. Defective ballots: 1

680. The Conference accordingly admitted Barbados, Bulgaria and Hungary as Members of the Organization, and Bahrain and Qatar as Associate Members.

Arrears of the Hungarian People's Republic

681. In connection with the membership of Hungary, the Conference noted the recommendation of the Council regarding the liquidation of the outstanding arrears of the contributions arising from the withdrawal of the country from FAO in 1951.

682. The Conference accordingly adopted the following resolution which had been prepared by the Finance Committee and the Council in regard to the liquidation of arrears:

Resolution No. 30/67

Arrears of the Hungarian People's Republic


Noting that the Hungarian People's Republic's arrears of contribution on readmission to the Organization amount to $88,886.40;


(a) that the Hungarian People's Republic's arrears shall be settled through the payment of ten annual instalments of $8, 888.64 each. The first installment shall be paid in 1967;

(b) that the annual payment of the instalments referred to above shall constitute Miscellaneous Income and shall be considered as fulfillment of the Hungarian People's Republic's financial obligation to the Organization in respect of these arrears.

(Adopted 20.11.67)

B. Republic of Indonesia

683. At its Thirteenth Session, the Conference had taken note of the decision of Indonesia to withdraw from the Organization. At its Forty-Seventh Session (October 1966) the Council was informed that Indonesia had decided to continue membership. The Conference noted that Indonesia had paid its contribution due for 1966 as established by Resolution 31/65 of the Thirteenth Session of the Conference, as well as its contribution due for 1967, as established by Resolution 5/47 of the Forty-Seventh Session of the Council. The Conference also noted that the Council, at its Forty-Seventh Session, had recognized that consequent upon Indonesia's decision to continue membership, since Indonesia had not originally been included in the Scale of Contributions for 1966/67 as such, its credit in the Working Capital Fund had fallen short of the advance required from it, by $6,977. Accordingly by Resolution 6/47 the Council had decided that an additional amount of $6,977 from the Miscellaneous Income for 1966/67 be applied to the Working Capital Fund for the credit of Indonesia. The Conference concurred with the Council's action.

C. Appointment of the director-general

684. The Conference, having considered the third Report of its General Committee (C 67/LIM/50) and documents C 67/LIM/18-Rev. 1 and C 67/LIM/18-Add.1, considered that the decision reached at its Twelfth Session in 1963 (paragraph 594 of the Report) prevented the Fourteenth Session from accepting the candidature of Dr. B. R. Sen.

685. Having proceeded to a series of ballots between the other three candidates, as a result of which A. H. Boerma received a majority of the votes cast, the Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 31/67

Appointment of the Director-General


Acting in conformity with Article VII-1 of the Constitution,

Having proceeded to a secret ballot as laid down in Rule XII of the General Rules of the Organization,

Declares that A. H. Boerma is appointed to the office of Director-General, for a period of four years, from 1 January 1968, the term of office expiring on 31 December 1971; and

Having considered the recommendations regarding the conditions of appointment of the Director-General submitted by the General Committee in accordance with Rules X-2(j) and XXXIII-1(b) of the General Rules of the Organization,

Resolves that the Director-General shall receive a gross annual salary of $43,000 ($28,100 net) per annum, payable in accordance with the rules governing salary payments to staff members of the Organization; that in addition he shall receive a representation allowance at the rate of $10,000 net per annum, payable half in United States dollars and half in Italian fire, and that he shall be entitled to all allowances and benefits accruing to staff members under the staff Regulations; and

Further resolves that the terms and conditions of service of the Director-General shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Staff Regulations subject, however, to the provisions of the draft contract proposed by the General Committee and approved by the Conference, a copy of which has been signed by the Chairman of the Conference and by the Director-General elect.

(Adopted 23.11.67)

D. Appointment of the independent chairman of the council

686. Having proceeded to a secret ballot on the appointment of the single candidate for the Office of Independent Chairman of the Council, the Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 32/67

Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council


Having proceeded to a secret ballot, in accordance with the provisions of Rule XII of the General Rules of the Organization,

Declares that G. Gemayel is appointed Independent Chairman of the Council for a period of two years, that is, until the end of the regular session of the Conference to be held in 1969; and

Having noted the recommendations submitted by the General Committee in conformity with Rule XXIII of the General Rules of the Organization,

Decides that the conditions of appointment, including the allowances attached to the office of the Independent Chairman of the Council, shall be as follows:

(i) An annual allowance of the equivalent of $6,250 to cover representation expenses and secretarial assistance in the Chairman's home station, on the understanding that the Director-General will provide secretarial assistance when the Chairman attends sessions of the Council or Conference. One half of the allowance shall be payable in U.S. dollars, the balance being payable, in whole or in part, in the currency of the home country of the Chairman, or in Italian fire, according to his desire.

(ii) A per diem allowance at the rate of $25.00 while the Chairman is absent from his home station on Council business, the allowance being reduced to $12.00 per diem while the Chairman is in travel status.

(iii) Travel expenses, including the above per diem allowance, shall be defrayed by the Organization, in conformity with its regulations and existing practices, when the Chairman attends sessions of the Council, of the Program and Finance Committees, of the Conference, or when he is invited by the Council or by the Director-General to travel for other purposes.

(Adopted 23.11.67)

E. Election of council members

687. By Resolution 12/67, the Conference had amended the Constitution and the General Rules of the Organization to increase by three the membership of the Council, bringing it to a total of 34 Member Nations. An additional seat for Asia and the Far East was allocated for the period November 1967 to December 1970, an additional seat for Europe for the period November 1967 to 31 December 1968 and an additional seat for the Near East from November 1967 to November 1969. As the European seat would fall vacant on 31 December 1968, an additional ballot would be necessary for the European Region for the period 1 January 1969 until November 1971 (Sixteenth Session of the Conference).

688. The Conference accordingly elected the following Member Nations for membership of the Council:

Period: November 1967 to 31 December 1968

Region and Seats Members
Europe (one) Israel

Period: November 1967 to November 1969

Near East (one) Somali Republic

Period: November 1967 to 31 December 1970

Africa (two) Central African Republic
Asia and the Far East (four) Indonesia
Europe (three) Germany, Federal Republic of
Latin America (two) Peru

Period: 1 January 1969 to November 1971

Africa (three) Algeria
Europe (two) Belgium
Latin America (three) Brazil
  Costa Rica
Near East (two) Afghanistan
North America (two) Canada
  United States of America


F. Appointment of the FAO staff pension committee

689. In accordance with Article XX of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund the Conference reappointed:

Mr. Hussein Sadegh
Minister Plenipotentiary
Permanent Representative of Iran to FAO
Imperial Embassy of Iran

Dr. Vittorio de Asarta
Secretary, Italian National FAO Committee
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Dr. A. S. Tuinman
Agricultural Attaché
Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to FAO
Royal Netherlands Embassy

as members of the FAO Staff Pension Committee, and:

Mr. Paul Byrnes
Office of International Administration
Bureau of International Organization Affairs
Department of State Washington D. C.

Mr. J. G. McArthur
Embassy of New Zealand

Mr. M. I. K. Khalil
Agricultural Attaché and
Permanent Representative of Pakistan to FAO
Embassy of Pakistan

as alternate members for the period 1 January 1968 through 31 December 1969.

G. Vote of thanks to Dr. B. R. Sen

690. Resolution No. 33/67

Vote of thanks to Dr. B. R. Sen


Recognizing the eminent services rendered by Dr. B. R. Sen to the Organization in raising it to the standing it now enjoys by his exceptional energy, devotion to duty and great competence in Development questions;

Considering the unique contribution he has made in creating among the leaders and peoples of the world an understanding of the problems of hunger and malnutrition and of the imperative need to accelerate agricultural and general economic Development;

Noting that under Dr. Sen's leadership FAO has taken major steps toward solving those problems, as exemplified by the Freedom from Hunger Campaign, the World Food Program, and work on the Indicative World Plan;

Conveys to him its warmest thanks and congratulations for his magnificent achievements that will be lastingly remembered, and

Hopes that he may continue to serve the ideals for which FAO stands throughout the world.


Decides to have this resolution inscribed on parchment, signed by the Chairman of the Conference and presented to Dr. Sen.


Decides further to create a new permanent feature of FAO activity associated with the name of Dr. Sen and directed toward the goals that he served so well; and

Requests the Council to take action as appropriate to constitute such a permanent and continuing tribute to Dr. Sen.

(Adopted 22.11. 67)

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