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In line with the recommendations of the CMT on the implementation of the new arrangements for the field programme, operational support will be provided by the Administrative and Operational Support Unit (AOSU) in Regional Office for Europe while technical backstopping will be provided by the Forestry Policy and Planning Division and the Forestry Resources Division in the FAO Headquarters and professional staff of other FAO departments as needed. In particular the backstopping support of the FAO Legal Office (LEGN) is required in respect to the legal work and components envisaged in the project.

The Project Coordinator will prepare every six months a Project Progress Report by using the FAO format. All Project Reports will be submitted with comments by FAO to the Recipient Government implementing agency and the Donor Government agency.

Towards the end of the Project and not later than six months before the end of the Project, the Project Coordinator will prepare and send a draft Terminal Report to FAO Headquarters for technical clearance, finalisation and submission to the recipient and donor Government agencies. This latter has to happen four months in advance for consideration at the terminal tripartite review meeting.

This report will assess, in a concise manner, the extent to which the Project's scheduled activities have been carried out, its output produced, and progress towards achievement of immediate objectives and related development objective. It will also present recommendations, if any, for any future follow-up action arising out of the Project.

The Project Coordinator is responsible to develop a monitoring system which allows evaluation of the achievements on the basis of the indicators defined in the logical framework for Project objectives and outputs. The use of this monitoring system will be compulsory for all national projects. Financial monitoring will be done according to FAO standards by the Project Coordinator.

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