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Area and inventory data

The total area of poplar plantations was estimated in 1999 as about 25 645 ha (representing more than 1 million m³ of standing volume). But presently there are no precise statistical data. Since 1996, around 1 000 hectares of poplar have been planted in Bulgaria every year. Poplar and willow represent more than 1% of the total Bulgarian forest standing volume.

Policy and legislation

Two important laws were approved by Parliament in the report period: the forestry law and regulations for the restitution of forest lands. The most important concepts considered by the forest reform are: the ownership of forestland and the management, protection and exploitation of the forest, with special measures for each. In 1997 a specific regulation was adopted on the time for poplar and willow cutting, according to age and current growth. A classification for the wood harvested (according its dimensions) was established by a decree in 1998. Financial support for poplar planting is provided by the Bulgarian Forestry Fund (under the Forestry National Direction) and - in commune areas - by the commune authorities. Private owners are encouraged with financial support to obtain propagation material, protection and management. The forest authority (Forestry National Direction) is now under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.

Technical data

A new catalogue of the ecological and biological characteristics of poplar clones growing in Bulgaria was presented. Several ex-situ and in-situ stands for the conservation of clones and hybrids of poplar were developed.

General information

Important changes in the political and socio-economic system of the country as it moves to the market economy are occurring. As result of this difficult transition, the National Poplar Commission is finding some operational obstacles. In 1999 the structure of the Commission was changed, having now 14 members. Clones of poplar and willow were received for trial from Turkey, Yugoslavia and Italy, and were sent to Slovakia.

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