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The area of natural stands and plantations of poplar and willow is as follows:

natural stands of poplars (P. nigra, P.alba) - 5 360 ha

poplar plantations - 14 169 ha

natural stands of willow (Salix alba) - 6 634 ha

willow plantations - 4 144 ha

Around 300 hectares of plantations and intensive field crops crops are planted in Croatia every year.

Policy and legislation

After the peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danubian basin in 1997, 60 000 hectares of forests and forest soil (of which 15 000 hectares were poplar and willow stands) were gained. During the six years conflict, the forests were devasted and 12% of the forest area is still inaccessible for management due to mines. During the difficult transition period of the country and the disrupted economy, there were no possibilities for financial support to poplar cultivation.

The new national Law on Agricultural Plants Protection from 1997 includes forest tree species; it is being adjusted to harmonise with the provisions of the Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV).

Technical data

Special attention is being paid to preserve and rehabilitate natural poplar and willow stands; a second clone archive was established with 63 European black poplar clones. Croatia is included in the European programme EUFORGEN.

General information

Appointments have been made to the Croatian National Poplar Commission. In the course of the report period, the Croatian Poplar Commission organized two two-day meeting of experts in breeding, protection and use of poplars and willows. Relations have been established with other national and international institutions outside Croatia. The national report lists a great many publications produced during the period.

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