Second Consultation on Agricultural Information Management

Working Document

Rome, Italy 23-25 September 2002

Provisional Annotated Agenda

Table of Contents

I. Background

1.The general aims of the COAIM is to bring policy issues related to management and access to agricultural information to the attention of the inter-governmental process, and to establish a global framework for the normative work of the World Agricultural Information Centre, WAICENT, recognizing the key role that information and knowledge play in ensuring food security and sustainable development, and thereby meeting the objectives of the World Food Summit Plan of Action.

2. During the First Consultation on Agricultural Information Management, held in Rome, Italy from 5 to 7 June 2000, it was agreed to place a high priority on improving access to agricultural information through WAICENT with Member Countries, and other stakeholders, taking full advantage of the opportunities provided by the new generation of information and communication technologies.

3. The Second Consultation on Agricultural Information Management is taking place in an international policy context in which multilateral initiatives and agreements on information and communication technologies complement FAO efforts to address Member Countries needs and strategies on agricultural information management and as a mean to promote food security and sustainable development.

4. In the previous context, the First Consultation on Agricultural Information Management established the date and the substantive elements on the agenda for the Second Consultation meeting, as well as the following objectives:

5. The purpose of the following annotations is to facilitate consideration of the various items on the agenda proposed for the meeting.

Agenda Item 1: Opening of the meeting

6. The meeting will begin with an opening ceremony on 23 September 2002, at 10:00 a.m., with introductory remarks by the officers of the Consultation on Agricultural Information Management, and FAO. The names of the speakers will appear in the related order of the day.

Agenda Item 2: Organization of the meeting

7. Election of officers

It is proposed to the delegates that the officers consist of one President, one Vice-President and one Rapporteur.

8. Approval of the agenda and programme of the meeting

The meeting will consider the provisional agenda (FAO/COAIM-2/1) and the provisional annotated agenda (FAO/COAIM-2/2) prepared by the Secretariat and will adopt them after incorporating any changes they deem pertinent.

Agenda Item 3: Programming issues

9. Report of the Secretariat

Under this agenda item, the Secretariat will present a brief report (FAO/COAIM-2/3) summarizing fulfilment of the recommendations of the First Consultation on Agricultural Information Management (Rome, Italy, 5 to 7 June, 2000). Major activities implemented are related to promote collaboration with other UN agencies and international organizations in developing facilities, services and networks for access to and sharing of information; to create improved global standards for the exchange of information; to strengthening Member Countries capacities to use, store, disseminate and distribute agricultural information useful for decision making process; and to work closely with stakeholders in support to strengthen their information management capacities, taking full advantage of the opportunities provided by the new generation of ICTs (information and communication technologies). The delegates will make any observations and recommendations they deem pertinent.

10. Programme of Work

Under this agenda item, the Secretariat will explain the new proposals on lines of action for the period 2002-2004 to meet the information needs of FAO stakeholders and the international community associated with agricultural development and food security, and capacity building through the transfer of WAICENT "best practices" in information management systems and tools development to national and international information providers. Here the delegates will discuss the general orientation of the new proposals on lines of action for the next biennium, based on the suggested lines of action that stem from and are explained in the working documents indicated in the following item (FAO/COAIM -2/4).

Agenda Item 4: Other matters

11. Under this agenda item, delegates will be able to consider any other matters that are pertinent to the objectives of the meeting and have not been noted previously under the specific items. The observers from international organizations and non-governmental organizations will be welcome to present topics of interest to the meeting. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the dates and places of the next meeting of the Consultation on Agricultural Information Management.

Agenda Item 5: Approval of the Report of the Meeting

12. Under this item, the delegates will organize themselves as they consider advisable to draft the final report of the meeting, and the rapporteur will present a draft final report for revision and approval, following any changes, by the delegates. The final report will include recommendations on the essential matters on the agenda.

Agenda Item 6: Closure of the meeting

13. The meeting is expected to conclude its activities on 25 September 2002 with remarks by the Chairman of the meeting and a representative of the Director-General of FAO.