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Annex 6


Mr Tage Michaelsen
Chief, Forest Conservation, Research
and Education Service
Forest Resources Division
FAO Forestry Department

Mr Representative of the Minister in Charge of Waters and Forests

Experts, Colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Three days of intensive work have come to an end.

We have reached a common understanding of the need for forestry education to adjust to new challenges.

How this will be done will be different at national and regional levels. Each country and each region have their own particularities and potential.

At the global level, FAO, in partnership with its member states and other international organizations including NGOs, will do its very best to analyze your recommendations and translate them into concrete action. We are inspired by your dedication and contributions and look forward to further collaboration with all of you.

I wish to thank the Chairpersons and rapporteurs as well as the drafting committee for their excellent work.

I also wish to thank the Government and the people of the Kingdom of Morocco for their warm hospitality and for the efficient hosting of the expert consultation.

Special thanks go to the people without whom this event would not have taken place: Omar M'Hirit, Abdelhai Ibnattya, Oudara Souvannavong and Fiorella Ceruti.

Finally a big thank you to the Secretariat staff and to the interpreters for their competent work as well as their patience and understanding.

Thank you all and have a safe travel back.

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