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Discussion on the Report of the Consultative Meeting on Emerging Issues Concerning the Status of Rural Women in Europe (Herrsching, Germany, 7 October 1994)

89. The Chairperson of the Working Party, Dr. G. Pichler, illustrated the Report already presented by Dr. Tea Petrin. She underlined that the Statement on Emerging Issues Concerning Rural Women in the European Region represents the original thoughts of the participants who attended the Herrsching Meeting. She reviewed the most important recommendations in relation to the political, economic and social issues identified as critical by the Group in order to draw attention to those issues that might be relevant to the future activities of the Working Party. She underlined that the presentation of the critical issues and the recommendations to address them had been done by the Group in a very illustrative and useful way. The Statement was adopted by the 7th Session of the Working Party and the Chairperson invited the participants to make use of the findings summarized in the Statement prepared by the Group (ANNEX V).

Change in the Title of the Working Party

90. The delegates of the 7th Session agreed that the title of the Working Party should be "Working Party on Women and the Family in Rural Development" as already suggested at the 6th Session. It was recommended that FAO Secretariat should take the necessary steps for action as soon as possible.

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