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In Asia and the Pacific, FAO is confronted with the difficult task of improving nutrition in the part of the world that has the highest number of undernourished people. It is estimated that over 300 million people in the region are underfed.

During the early years of FAO, protein-energy malnutrition was considered the predominant problem, and FAO programmes focused on increasing food production. The major concerns among nutritionists were insufficient intake of protein and the lack of balance in Asian diets which consisted mainly of rice. Projects aimed to increase the production of protein-rich foods and to raise their utilization through the development of new food technologies. At the community level, targeted nutrition interventions started through the implementation of extended nutrition programmes which emphasized school and community gardens, poultry raising and fish culture. FAO also helped countries to assess and analyse their nutrition situations through dietary and nutrition surveys.

Food security continued to be the major nutritional concern during the 1970s and early 1980s. Over two decades, the amount of dietary energy available in the developing countries of the region increased from 1 983 kcal (1961 to 1963) to 2 437 kcal (1982 to 1984). While some countries were approaching self-sufficiency by the early 1980s, the region as a whole remained a major net importer of cereals and was still highly vulnerable to natural and human-induced disasters.

By the late 1980s and early 1990s significant progress had been made in food production. However, increased food production and economic development could hardly compensate for the population growth in many countries of the region. By 1990 the incidence of protein-energy malnutrition was considerably reduced, but more than 150 million Asian children under the age of five are still affected.

In the past decade, the FAO interventions have begun to focus on household food security and improving access to food among vulnerable groups through the expansion of nutrition improvement programmes for the rural poor. Deficiencies of major micronutrients, namely vitamin A, iron and iodine, also remain public health problems in many countries in Asia and the Pacific. FAO is promoting sustainable food-based strategies to prevent micronutrient malnutrition and improve household food security. The cooperation of academic institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is enlisted in this effort.

In recent years, important developments have taken place in the region's food industry, and food imports and exports have increased in some countries. FAO has enhanced its assistance in developing food control systems, reviewing food regulations and facilitating greater participation of member countries in the activities of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. For example, FAO is providing assistance to the Government of Thailand in the implementation of a model programme for Improving the quality and safety of street foods and environmental hygiene in areas where such foods are prepared and served.

Since 1983, the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific has published Selected Indicators of Food and Agriculture Development in Asia and the Pacific. This publication provides an overview of the nutritional status of each of the 30 countries of the region and is updated every year.

To consolidate ideas related to nutrition and exchange of information, the Asia-Pacific Network for Food and Nutrition (ANFN) was established in 1988. The countries that participate regularly in ANFN meetings are Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam. ANFN organizes expert consultations annually on topics of contemporary interest. For instance, subjects have included the significance of body mass index in assessing undernutrition in adults; household food security with respect to desirable dietary pattern; and the importance of the food industry in increasing safe food supplies. Reports of these expert consultations are systematically published and disseminated.

The International Conference on Nutrition (ICN) in December 1992 provided a unique opportunity to address all the major nutrition issues in the region. A pre-ICN regional conference was held in January 1992 in Bangkok, organized by the regional office. Current activities in the region are directed towards building on the ICN consensus to create action programmes.

The progress made by each nation in improving the nutritional well-being of its people will set the pace for reaching the goals of the World Declaration on Nutrition endorsed at the ICN. While nutritional status varies greatly from one country to another, it is imperative to ensure that the benefits of social and economic development are directed to the poor and malnourished in all countries. FAO is assisting its Member Governments in their formulation and revision of their National Plans of Action for Nutrition (NPANs) and in their preparation of national food and nutrition policies. Most countries in Asia and the Pacific have made progress in identifying priorities, reviewing or finalizing plans and establishing intersectoral mechanisms for action. To assist in this process, the FAO regional office has organized two interagency meetings with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in the South Pacific, one in 1994 and the other in 1995. A similar interagency meeting has been scheduled for other countries of the region later in 1995.

Biplab K. Nandi
Regional Food and Nutrition Officer,
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific


In 1948, when the first FAO Regional Conference for the Near East was held in Cairo, the general conditions and quality of life in the region were poor: there was a shortage of food; nutritional deficiencies were widespread; health facilities and environmental sanitation were inadequate; illiteracy was common; the infrastructure was poor; the rates of infant and child mortality were high and life expectancy was short. The average income levels in the region were low in comparison to world averages, and there was a wide disparity in incomes. The majority of people, mostly farmers, were very poor and unable to meet their basic needs. Most of the countries of the region were colonies.

Only five of the current 26 FAO member countries of the region attended the first conference in Cairo. At this conference the FAO Regional Office for the Near East was established, and in 1949 the office began operation, staffed by a Regional Representative, a Regional Nutrition Officer and an Administrative Officer. The fact that the first technical officer in the Near East office was a nutritionist clearly demonstrates the importance attached to nutrition in that period.

The earliest FAO activities in the Near East rightly emphasized human resource development. FAO sent nutrition experts to countries in the region, but training of local staff was considered to be instrumental for initiating and sustaining the nutrition improvement programmes. Several fellowships for training nutritionists abroad were offered by FAO to national government staff as well.

The establishment of an institution was viewed by FAO as a prerequisite for elective and sustained development programmes. The first regional nutrition training centre for training of professionals was established in Cairo in 1950. FAO assisted Iraq in the establishment of its National Institute of Nutrition in 1954.

Several countries started school feeding programmes in the early 1950s, and FAO gave technical support in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Support was also provided for the promotion of school and home gardens and for food preservation and storage. FAO, in collaboration with UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO), assisted Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Turkey in developing the commercial production of weaning food mixture.

FAO's food control and consumer protection activities in the Near East started in Saudi Arabia in 1967. Activities in these areas have become increasingly important, and almost all the countries of the region have received assistance. Generally, FAO has provided policy advice on institutional and strategy development; technical advice on specific food control matters; assistance in human resource development; and support to field projects.

Another area of interest to FAO in the region was the introduction of nutrition considerations into agriculture projects. FAO conducted a number of field surveys specifically related to food consumption in Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia. It assisted some countries in the preparation of their food consumption tables. Special attention was also given to the promotion of traditional foods.

FAO has produced a number of documents about nutrition issues in the Near East: books on nutritional requirements, food composition tables, results of food consumption surveys and guidelines and manuals on food control and nutrition programmes. Many of these publications have been translated into Arabic and adapted for the region by the regional office and have been distributed widely to the Arab countries of the region.

Today, the FAO Near East Region comprises 26 member countries which vary greatly, including some of the richest and the poorest countries of the world. Accordingly, the food and nutrition problems differ within the region. In 1991, the total population of the Near East was about 465 million, nearly triple that of 50 years ago. Rapid urbanization is diminishing the amount of land available for food production, a crucial issue since only 25 percent of the region's land is suitable for agriculture. Food production has not kept pace with higher food consumption, which has led to increasing dependence on food imports.

The World Declaration on Nutrition and the Plan of Action for Nutrition endorsed at the 1992 International Conference on Nutrition (ICN) provided the general framework for member countries to formulate integrated National Plans of Action for Nutrition. The future nutrition activities of FAO in the Near East will focus on supporting countries in implementing their plans. Several training workshops and expert consultations have been held to enhance human resource capabilities and exchange of information and experiences, and FAO will continue to emphasize these activities.

S. Miladi
Regional Nutrition Officer,
FAO Regional Office for the Near East


Africa is the only continent where the nutrition situation has deteriorated in recent decades. An estimated 180 million Africans are undernourished; it is predicted that by the year 2010 this number will grow to some 300 million people, representing nearly 32 percent of the continent's total population. To a large extent, undernutrition has been attributed to the failure to increase food production and to alleviate poverty. In response to the dramatic deterioration of the food and nutrition situation, the International Conference on Nutrition (ICN) in 1992 called for tangible and sustained support for Africa from the international community.

Prior to the ICN, representatives from 50 African countries gathered to review the nutrition situation in the region and to contribute to the draft World Declaration and Plan of Action for Nutrition. FAO provided support for regional preparatory meetings in Ghana, Kenya and Senegal. Support was also provided for attendance of country representatives and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at the ICN Preparatory Committee Meeting and at the conference itself.

Since the ICN, several meetings have been held to examine food and nutrition surveillance systems, to assess the follow-up to the ICN and to make recommendations for developing National Plans of Action for Nutrition. In May 1993, the Seminar on Food and Nutrition Surveillance and ICN Follow-up Actions was hosted by Guinea-Bissau; participants from Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe took part. In December of that year, representatives from many African nations, NGOs and international organizations assembled in Kenya at the Post-ICN All-Africa Conference on Food and Nutrition organized by Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Food and Nutrition Cooperation (ECSA) and the Kenyan Government. In April 1995, the subregional ICN follow-up workshop for English-speaking African countries was held. This meeting formulated national and regional proposals for implementing ICN recommendations and developing strategies for intersectoral coordination and resource mobilization.

FAO projects for strengthening food security and nutrition information for early warning systems and for development planning are being implemented in Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Training has been provided for collecting and analysing food consumption and nutrition data which will be used to assist vulnerable population groups.

Over the years, FAO has provided technical assistance to integrate nutrition components into agricultural and economic development plans aimed at improving food production and the overall nutritional status of at risk population groups. For example, Ethiopia recently received support in the preparation of a food and nutrition policy and the design of effective intervention programmes.

As part of the FAO Vitamin A Programme, field projects in Burkina Faso, Chad, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, the Niger and Zambia received technical assistance. Technical support was provided to the West African Conference on Vitamin A Deficiency in Ghana in 1993. In addition, FAO supported workshops to promote the consumption of underexploited traditional food crops in Cameroon and Zambia in 1992.

As part of a global programme, FAO supported training on the linkages among food, population and nutrition issues. A version of the training manual Population education and nutrition was prepared for Africa and used in these sessions. Regional and national training was provided in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Mali, the Niger, Sierra Leone and Uganda.

In recent decades, FAO has provided technical assistance to help countries establish national food control programmes to ensure the quality and safety of food sold in Africa, both for domestic consumption and for export. The assistance has included assessment of current food control infrastructures and recommendations for improvement such as food laws, inspection programmes, training and laboratory support. Assistance is ongoing in Botswana, Cape Verde, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Namibia, the Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia.

FAO recently helped Rwanda to set up a sampling and monitoring system for mycotoxins in food and feed and to establish a specialized mycotoxin analysis centre. FAO assisted Morocco in establishing a programme of nutrition and food control within the agricultural extension service. The governments of Côte d'Ivoire, Uganda and Zaire received FAO assistance for improvement of the safety of street foods, and training courses in good hygienic practices for street-food vendors and inspectors were organized. Intercountry workshops on street foods were held in Benin and Ghana and they made recommendations for improving trade in street foods in Africa.

FAO has sponsored specialized training in food control activities, with components in food control administration, chemical and microbiological analysis and food inspection. A course on management of food control programmes was given in Nigeria in 1992. In 1993, a course on general techniques in food inspection was given in Zimbabwe and a course on food microbiology techniques was held in Tunisia.

Under the auspices of FAO, the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations University (UNU) and the University of Ghana, an organizational meeting of AFROFOODS, the regional food composition database network, was held in 1994 to establish national networks for promoting, coordinating and improving food composition work and creating national food composition databases. These databases will be linked to AFROFOODS and to the International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS).

To provide information about the food and nutrition situation to multilateral and bilateral agencies, NGOs, universities and research institutes as well as journalists, FAO has prepared nutrition country profiles for 43 African countries.

Cheikh Ndiaye
Regional Food and Nutrition Officer,
FAO Regional Office for Africa


Los progresos realizados en los últimos decenios por los países de América Latina y el Caribe indican que el estado de nutrición puede mejorar sustancialmente a través de la voluntad y el compromiso políticos y la formulación de políticas bien concebidas y acciones concertadas a nivel nacional, regional e internacional.

Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición

La Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición (CIN) convocada por la FAO y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), ofreció una oportunidad única para analizar estas políticas y estrategias y establecer el compromiso de los gobiernos para preparar o perfeccionar Planes Nacionales de Acción para la Nutrición (PNAN).

La FAO ha apoyado a los países de la región en las actividades preparatorias para la CIN, y actualmente está cooperando en las actividades de seguimiento. Para examinar los avances e intercambiar experiencias en la preparación de los PNAN, la FAO y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS)/OMS realizaron tres talleres subregionales en Tegucigalpa, Quito y Kingston.

La FAO proporciona asistencia técnica para elaborar los PNAN, incluyendo la incorporación de objetivos nutricionales en las políticas y programas de desarrollo, y la identificación y formulación de propuestas de programas y proyectos prioritarios para mejorar la nutrición. Para estas propuestas se espera recibir el apoyo de países donantes y programas de cooperación internacional.

La FAO esta promoviendo activamente la participación de las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) en las actividades de seguimiento de la CIN. Para ello, se ha previsto realizar un taller en Lima en 1995 para analizar y reforzar el apoyo que éstas vienen dando a la CIN.

Para apoyar el proceso de descentralización de los países de la región, se está desarrollando un enfoque transversal e integrador a nivel municipal de las diversas estrategias de la CIN. Con este propósito, se está elaborando un manual sobre planificación alimentario-nutricional con criterios de detección y acción e instrumentos básicos para una eficiente gestión de los programas a nivel local.

Además de los documentos producidos por FAO/OMS en ocasión de la CIN, a nivel regional se publicaron en conjunto con la OPS los informes nacionales de los países de América Latina y el informe regional. La FAO ha publicado también las directrices para la elaboración de los PNAN y está actualizando los perfiles nutricionales y preparando una sinopsis alimentaria y nutricional de los países de la región basada en los informes nacionales.

Seguridad alimentaria en los hogares

Los principales objetivos de las políticas agrícolas en la región han sido incrementar la producción para generar divisas y alimentar a la población; pero es evidente que el solo aumento de la disponibilidad de alimentos no es suficiente para aumentar el consumo y mejorar la nutrición. La FAO viene impulsando una política de seguridad alimentaria destinada a conseguir un alto grado de autosuficiencia alimentaria, fomentando el aumento y la estabilidad de la producción local de alimentos, para reducir la dependencia de las importaciones y de la ayuda alimentaria y contribuir a generar empleo e incrementar los ingresos

A través de la asistencia técnica de la FAO se está procurando fortalecer la producción y consumo de cultivos alimentarios tradicionales subutilizados, rescatar y dar prestigio a las preparaciones culinarias basadas en estos cultivos, diversificar la producción y consumo de alimentos, promover técnicas sencillas de conservación y almacenamiento, y fortalecer la industria y comercialización agrícola en pequeña escala con el fin de mejorar la nutrición.

En casi todos los países hay una gran variedad de proyectos agrícolas, pesqueros, forestales y de desarrollo rural orientados a fomentar el bienestar nutricional, muchos de ellos reciben apoyo de la FAO mediante la incorporación de componentes alimentario-nutricionales. Especial interés están recibiendo los proyectos participativos destinados a mejorar la seguridad alimentaria de los hogares vulnerables y el estado de salud y nutrición de sus miembros a través de actividades concretas.

La FAO está aplicando, además, estas medidas sostenibles basadas en la alimentación para combatir las carencias de micronutrientes, y cuando sea necesario fomentará programas de fortificación de alimentos.

Educación alimentaria y nutricional

En la última década se ha dado énfasis en la enseñanza de la nutrición a los profesionales y técnicos del sector agrícola. Actualmente se está prestando mayor atención al empleo de los medios de comunicación social y a los programas de educación alimentaria y nutricional en comunidades.

Para promover estas actividades la FAO ha puesto a disposición de los países numerosas publicaciones sobre nutrición y agricultura, utilización de alimentos tropicales, cultivos andinos y mesoamericanos subutilizados con valor nutricional, y especies amazónicas comestibles; así como diversas guías didácticas sobre manejo de proyectos de alimentación y nutrición en comunidades, proyectos participativos de nutrición, intervenciones de comunicación social en nutrición, mensajes radiales sobre nutrición y agricultura, huertos familiares y huertos hidropónicos populares, y procesamiento artesanal de frutas y hortalizas.

Control de la inocuidad y calidad de los alimentos

La asistencia técnica de la FAO a los países de la región en el área de control de los alimentos es múltiple y abarca desde los aspectos de legislación y normalización de alimentos hasta el control de la inocuidad y calidad en toda la cadena alimentaria, incluyendo la capacitación del personal y la protección del consumidor.

A raíz de la epidemia del cólera, se han efectuado proyectos nacionales y regionales de control de alimentos potencialmente riesgosos, en particular a los de venta callejera. Se está dando prioridad a la elaboración y aplicación de reglamentos para alimentos de venta callejera a nivel nacional y municipal, y al mejoramiento de tecnologías para su preparación, almacenamiento y venta inocuos. Simultáneamente se está fortaleciendo la capacitación de administradores, inspectores y vendedores de alimentos en la vía pública y la orientación de los consumidores.

Para apoyar estas actividades se realizaron diversas reuniones nacionales y regionales, algunas conjuntamente con la OPS, y se han producido una guía didáctica y un vídeo para capacitar a los vendedores callejeros de alimentos.

También se está prestando atención a la mejora del almacenamiento y preparación de alimentos inocuos en la comunidad y en el hogar.

La FAO está fortaleciendo las actividades de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius para apoyar a los países en la aplicación de los Acuerdos del GATT sobre Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias y Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio, a fin de proteger a los consumidores y facilitar el comercio internacional de alimentos.

En el marco de los acuerdos de integración económica subregionales, como el Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR), se está brindando asistencia para establecer procedimientos armonizados de registro de alimentos e industrias alimentarias, inspección y certificación de productos, clasificación de alimentos y normalización de productos básicos.

Vigilancia alimentaria y nutricional

La asistencia técnica de la FAO está dirigida a desarrollar los sistemas de información relacionados con el acceso y consumo de alimentos y la vigilancia a nivel local, así como a la identificación de las familias en riesgo de inseguridad alimentaria.

La Oficina Regional de la FAO ha creado en 1986 la Red de Cooperación Técnica en Sistemas de Vigilancia Alimentaria y Nutricional (Red SISVAN), con el propósito de fomentar el desarrollo de SISVAN vinculados a la política de seguridad alimentaria, a través del intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos entre países. A partir de 1993, los objetivos de la Red SISVAN se ampliaron para apoyar las actividades de seguimiento de la CIN.

La Red SISVAN ha realizado numerosas actividades relacionadas con temas que van desde los aspectos generales del SISVAN hasta aquellos vinculados con el sector agrícola, la seguridad alimentaria y el nivel local. También ha potenciado en la capacitación sobre manejo y análisis de datos, uso de indicadores de acceso y consumo de alimentos, canasta básica de alimentos e índice de masa corporal.

La Red SISVAN distribuye cuatrimestralmente una carta circular y ha publicado numerosos documentos técnicos, el directorio de la Red e inventario de recursos, y el directorio de instituciones de América Latina relacionadas con la alimentación y nutrición.

Por otra parte, la FAO ha reiniciado su asistencia técnica para promover el desarrollo de bases de datos y cuadros de composición química de los alimentos. Para 1995 se ha programado, en Santiago de Chile, un taller sobre producción y manejo de datos de composición química de alimentos que se efectuará conjuntamente con la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas (UNU), LATINFOODS y el Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de los Alimentos (INTA) de la Universidad de Chile.

Dr. Cecilio Morón
Oficial, Regional de Política Alimentaria y Nutrición,
Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe


Food, Nutrition and Agriculture reflects the concerns of the Food and Nutrition Division of FAO, covering topics such as nutrition planning, assessment and evaluation; nutrition programmes; and food quality and safety. The review welcomes articles of interest to its readers working in government institutions, universities, research centres, non-governmental organizations, the food industry and the communications media in 169 countries.

Articles may be written in English, French or Spanish. The style should be clear, concise and easy to understand, avoiding journalistic terms, colloquial expressions and professional jargon. Articles may be 2 500 to 5 000 words in length, with no more than six tables and fewer than 35 references. Complete references must be provided when factual material and other viewpoints are mentioned. References require author name(s), date, title, place of publication and publisher (for books), journal title, volume and pages (for articles).

A summary of approximately 350 words and biographical information (35 words or less) about the author(s) should accompany the article. The article will be published in the original language and FAO will translate the summary into the other two languages of the review. Manuscripts must be typed and double spaced. When possible, provision of a word-processing diskette is appreciated. Tables, graphics and photographs should be provided on separate sheets with a title and number indicating their place in the text.

Manuscripts are reviewed by the Food and Nutrition Division, and the decision to publish an article is made by the Editorial Advisory Board. Copyrights and other ownership rights are vested in the Food and Agriculture Organization, which usually grants permission to the author to reproduce the article. Authors should clearly state whether material included in a manuscript has been copyrighted elsewhere and certify that they have permission to use the material. When printed, up to 25 copies of the issue containing the article will be sent to the author free of charge.

Correspondence and manuscripts should be addressed to: Technical Editor, Food, Nutrition and Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.


Alimentation, nutrition et agriculture traite de domaines dans lesquels s'exercent les activités de la Division de l'alimentation et de la nutrition de la FAO - planification, évaluation nutritionnelle, programmes nutritionnels, qualité et innocuité des aliments. La revue accueille avec intérêt des articles pouvant intéresser ses lecteurs qui travaillent dans les institutions gouvernementales, les universités et les centres de recherche, les organisations non gouvernementales, l'industrie alimentaire et les médias de 169 pays.

Les articles peuvent être écrits en français, en anglais ou en espagnol. Ils doivent être rédigés dans un style clair et concis, faciles à comprendre, éviter les termes journalistiques, les expressions familières et le jargon professionnel. Ils doivent avoir une longueur de 2 500 à 5 000 mots, plus un nombre raisonnable de tableaux et de références (pas plus de six et moins de 35 respectivement). Des notes complètes doivent être ajoutées si des références factuelles et d'autres points de vue sont mentionnés. Lorsque des ouvrages sont cités, il faut indiquer le nom du ou des auteurs, la date de parution, le titre complet, l'éditeur et le lieu de publication. Pour les articles cités, donner le nom du ou des auteurs, la date, le titre de l'article, le titre complet de la publication, le volume et les pages.

Un résumé d'environ 350 mots et une notice biographique de 35 mots au maximum doivent accompagner l'article. Il sera publié dans la langue originale et la FAO traduira le résumé dans les deux autres langues de la revue. Les manuscrits doivent être dactylographiés en double interligne. Dans la mesure du possible les auteurs sont priés de fournir une disquette. Les tableaux, graphiques et photographies doivent être fournis sur des feuilles séparées, porter un titre, un numéro et l'indication de l'endroit où ils doivent être insérés dans le texte.

Les manuscrits sont examinés par la Division de l'alimentation et de la nutrition, et la décision de les publier est prise par le comité de rédaction. Les droits d'auteur et autres droits relatifs au manuscrit sont dévolus à l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, qui autorise habituellement l'auteur à reproduire son article. L'auteur doit indiquer clairement les parties du manuscrit qui font déjà l'objet de droits d'auteur ou autres droits de propriété et certifier qu'il est autorisé à les utiliser. Lorsque l'article est publié, 25 exemplaires au maximum du numéro en question sont envoyés gratuitement à l'auteur.

La correspondance et les manuscrits sont à adresser à la Rédactrice technique, Alimentation, nutrition et agriculture, Division de l'alimentation et de la nutrition, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome (Italie).


La revista Alimentación, Nutrición y Agricultura trata temas de interés para la Dirección de Alimentación y Nutrición de la FAO, incluyendo actividades de planificación, apreciación y evaluación relacionadas con la nutrición, programas de nutrición, y calidad e inocuidad de los alimentos. La revista acepta artículos de interés para sus lectores que trabajan en instituciones gubernamentales, universidades y centros de investigación, organizaciones no gubernamentales, así como en la industria alimentaria y en los medios de comunicación de 169 países.

Los manuscritos podrán ser redactados en español, francés o inglés. El estilo deberá ser claro, conciso y fácil de entender, evitando términos periodísticos, expresiones coloquiales y jergas profesionales. Los artículos podrán tener de 2 500 a 5 000 palabras y se recomienda un máximo de seis cuadros y 35 referencias. Deberán facilitarse referencias completas cuando se den datos objetivos o se citen puntos de vista de otros autores; en el caso de libros, se deberá indicar el apellido y la inicial del nombre del autor o autores, el año de publicación, el título completo, el lugar de publicación y la editorial. En el caso de artículos: autor(es), año, título del artículo, título completo de la publicación, volumen y número de las páginas.

El artículo irá acompañado de un resumen de 350 palabras aproximadamente y de una nota biográfica (que no exceda de 35 palabras) sobre el autor. Se publicará en el idioma original y la FAO traducirá el resumen a los otros dos idiomas de la revista. Los manuscritos deberán estar mecanografiados a doble espacio. Se agradecerá el envío, siempre que sea posible, de un disquete que contenga el artículo. Los cuadros, gráficos y fotografías deberán presentarse en hojas aparte, con un título y número, e indicando su lugar en el texto.

Los manuscritos serán revisados por la Dirección de Alimentación y Nutrición de la FAO y la decisión concerniente a su publicación la tomará el Comité asesor editorial. Los derechos de propiedad y otros derechos de autor corresponderán a la FAO, que suele conceder permiso al autor para reproducir su artículo. Los autores deberán indicar claramente qué material del manuscrito tiene ya derechos de autor concedidos y certificar que han obtenido el permiso para utilizarlo. Una vez publicado el artículo, se enviarán gratuitamente al autor 25 ejemplares del número de la revista que lo contiene.

La correspondencia y los manuscritos deberán dirigirse a: Redactora técnica, Alimentación, Nutrición y Agricultura, Dirección de Alimentación y Nutrición, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100, Roma, Italia.

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