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Mechanisms to promote the advancement of women

Mechanisms to promote the advancement of women

National Machinery. The Ministry for Women and the Family, attached to the Office of the Prime Minister, is mandated to coordinate activities for women at the national level. A Women and Development Commission was set up at the end of the 1980s to develop a WID strategy in the framework of the Eighth Development Plan.

WID Units or Focal Points in Technical Ministries. A unit for Women's Professional Training has been established in the Ministry of Professional Training and Employment.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). The National Union of Agriculture and Fishing of Tunisia (UNAP) created within its structures in 1990, a National Federation of Women Agriculturalists, grouping 18 regional delegations, led by women. The National Union of Tunisian Women (UNFT) is the oldest women's NGO in the country. Other NGOs, such as the Association for Agricultural and Rural Development (ASDEAR), the Association for the Promotion of Employment and Housing in Rural Areas (APEL), the Tunisian Federation for Community Development (FTDC), and Environment and Development in the Third World (ENDA), have developed women-specific activities.

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