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Areas to be strengthened

Areas to be strengthened

Policy Planning and Research.

· For the first time, development plans and policies, through the Eighth Development Plan, specifically give attention to women and provide for a strategy to strengthen women's participation in productive farming activities.

· Research and statistics are needed to determine the real place that rural women occupy in agriculture.

Access to Agricultural Resources and Services

· The Eighth Development Plan provides for training activities for women, the establishment of a women's credit programme, and the inclusion of a women's component in every agricultural project.

· A National Action Plan for Professional Training includes improvement of professional training for young rural women and the promotion of apprenticeship of women in technical specialities in agro-industry.

Source: National Sectoral Report on Women, Agriculture and Rural Development, 1994.

Prepared by:

Integration of Women in Development Service

Food and Agriculture Organization

of the United Nations

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Rome, Italy

Tel:+(39)6 52251

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