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Importance of agriculture to the economy

Importance of agriculture to the economy

Mauritania's economy is dominated by agriculture, particularly the strong agro-pastoral sector. In 1992, agriculture accounted for 29% of the GDP and 63.6% of the labour force. Output of staple foods such as millet, sorghum, rice, and pulses is insufficient for the country's needs. A large part of Mauritania consists of arid/semi-arid land and is thus unsuitable for crop cultivation. Livestock rearing, however, plays an important role in the lives of rural people. Nomads comprised 12% of the population in 1988, compared to 73% in 1965. Fishing provides approximately 46% of the export earnings and contributes 5-10% of the annual GDP, as well as makes a significant contribution to. domestic food requirements. Fish processing is the most important activity in the manufacturing sector and accounts for as much as 4% of the GDP.

Sectoral Contributions to GDP and Employment

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