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Mechanisms to promote the advancement of woman

Mechanisms to promote the advancement of woman

National Machinery. A Secretariat of State on the Status of Women (SECF) was created in 1992. It is charged with developing a policy for the promotion and protection of women and children, promoting economic and educational activities for women, in collaboration with the concerned sectors, and developing programmes to promote the participation of women in the political, economic and social life of the country.

WID Units or Focal Points in Technical Ministries. An interministerial committee on women, family and children (COFFE) was formed in 1992 to evaluate and coordinate activities of the technical departments that target women.

Women in Decision-making Positions in Ministries and Government Bodies, 1992

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). There are very few national NGOs and only a small number of international NGOs present in the country. About a dozen NGOs are members of an informal Federation of NGOs in Mauritania. A number of NGOs have project components targeted at women.

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