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Organizational Structure

In Plenary the participants tackled the organizational structure of the network. It was suggested that the secretariat revolves around the member countries but after some exchanges this was found to be uneconomical. It was decided that the secretariat be permanent in one country and that the chairmanship revolves annually. After considering names such Board, General Assembly, and Steering Committee, it was agreed that the supreme organ of the network be called the steering committee, made up of all the members of the network. The Steering Committee would meet at least once every two years.

In discussions regarding the network's prospective budget, the participant from FAO gave an example he called the zero-based budget. This type of budget formula was used in the US during the Carter Administration when fund-seekers were asked to come up with a budget reflecting the minimum amount of money a fund-seeker required to operate. He suggested the same method can be applied in establishing the secretariat.

The issue of subscriptions payable for the upkeep of the secretariat was also discussed. Some participants suggested that member countries could be asked to pay but other participants felt that the forum did not have the authority to speak on behalf of their countries. They could speak for the institutions they represented and even commit funds from those institutions. But committing their countries would entail involving other government departments and that ran the risk of being an indeterminable process.

The participants also discussed the appropriate title for the person charged with the responsibility for running the secretariat. After numerous suggestions, they settled for Executive Secretary. On the issue of the person best suited to be the Executive Secretary, one participant suggested that because the network was an African one, donors and supporters in the world would find it appropriate if it was headed by a native African. But others felt it was a matter for whoever had the time to carry out the large tasks involved. The participants agreed on a Task Force of three to four people to launch the secretariat, pursue funding and convene the first Steering Committee meeting.


Discussions continued on the composition of the Task Force. Among the observations made were that: it should be international in composition, it should be able to convene meetings easily, it should be centrally located for easy accessibility to as many members as possible. The participants finally decided that because of its central location and having institutions with adequate facilities, Kenya becomes the host of the secretariat. The institution in Kenya to provide the secretariat was left to the Kenyan representatives to decide.

Participants nominated the following persons to comprise the Task Force:

Dr. Jeff Odera (Director, KEFRI)
Dr. John Aluma (Director, FRI, Uganda)
Mr. Karanja Murira (Director General, TAFORI)
Prof. Joe Mwangi (Manager, FHMC, Kenya)
Mr. William Ciesla (FAO)
Ms. Gillian Allard (IIBC, Kenya)
Dr. Sean Murphy (IIBC, UK)







· Each member country has one representative
· Members are policy makers
· The chairmanship rotates between member countries

· Review network activities
· Appoint Executive Secretary
· Approve budget

· Meet once every two years
· Donors are represented in the Steering Committee as observers
· Quorum 50% attendance


· Four representatives elected from member countries plus the Executive Secretary
· Chairman elected by members

· Organize information flow plan
· Organize workshops
· Organize steering committees
· Prepare budgets
· Pursue funding (internal and external)
· Link with international organizations
· Coordinate National Coordinators
· Disburse funds

· Meets at least once a year
· Quorum 2/3 attendance


· Employed by the network
· Run the secretariat
· Secretary to the Steering Committee
· Publishes the newsletter
· Promotes network

· Facilitate the activities of the Executive Committee (See above)

· Host country to identify lead institution


· Selected by countries from lead institutions
· Technical experts

· Coordinate national institutions
· Identify national requirements
· Collect and send information to secretariat
· Promote the network



· The current IIBC Technical Experts to continue
· Task Force composed of:
Dr. J Odera-Kenya
Dr. J Aluma-Uganda
Mr. K Murira-TZ
Mr. W Ciesla-FAO
Prof. J Mwangi-FHMC
Dr. S Murphy-IIBC
Ms. G Allard-IIBC

· Finalize the Charter
· Finalize project document
· Pursue funding
· Convene first Steering Committee meeting
· Establish Secretariat
· Publicize the network


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