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Article 7 - Fisheries Management

7.1 General

7.1.1 (a) Are conservation and management measures based on the best scientific evidence available? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

(b) Are conservation and management measures designed to ensure the long-term sustainability of fishery resources at levels which promote the objective of optimum utilization and maintain their availability for present and future generations? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

(c) Are management measures currently in effect in the fishery designed for the long-term conservation and sustainable use of fishery resources, as opposed to reasons of short-term expediency? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

7.1.2 (a) Have attempts been made to identify domestic parties having a (legitimate) interest in the use and management of fisheries resources? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Have arrangements been made to consult these parties and gain their collaboration? Yes...[1] No...[0]

*7.1.3 (a) Where transboundary, straddling or highly migratory fish stocks and high seas fish stocks are exploited by two or more States, do the States concerned cooperate to ensure effective conservation and management of the resources? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Is there a formal fishery commission or arrangement to which all parties fishing belong? Yes...[1] No...[0]

*7.1.4 Do States which have a real interest in the fisheries or the resource outside their national jurisdiction cooperate in the work of the relevant regional fisheries management organization or arrangement by becoming a member of such organization and arrangement and by actively participating in its work? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(a) Do all parties attend meetings and collect data in the specified format? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Is the population analysis updated regularly and in cooperation by a scientific group? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(d) Are scientific recommendations of groups reflected in the regulations? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(e) Are the regulations respected by the parties concerned? Yes...[1] No...[0]

*7.1.6 (a) Should representatives from relevant organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, concerned with fisheries be afforded the opportunity to take part in meetings of subregional and regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements as observers or otherwise, in accordance with the procedures of the organization or arrangement concerned? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Subject to the procedural rules on access, are such representatives given timely access to the records and reports of such meetings? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.1.7 (a) Have mechanisms been established for fisheries monitoring, surveillance, control and enforcement to ensure compliance with their conservation and management measures for the fishery in question? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Have these measures proved effective? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

7.1.8 (a) Have mechanisms been established to (identify, quantify) prevent or eliminate excess fishing capacity? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Have these measures proved effective? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

7.1.9 Are the arrangements followed for assessment, management of the fishery and the decision-making process in general transparent?

- Assessment Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Management Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Decision-making Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.1.10 Are the conservation and management measures adopted for management of the fishery and the related decision-making process given due publicity in order to ensure that laws, regulations and other legal rules governing their implementation are effectively disseminated? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]


7.2 Management objectives

7.2.1 (a) Are fisheries measures based on the best scientific evidence? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Are they qualified by relevant environmental and economic factors? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(c) Have formal reference point(s) based on stock size been established? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.2.2 Have management measures taken into account the need to avoid excess capacity and promote conditions under which the interests of fishermen, especially the small-scale, artisanal and subsistence fishery sectors, are protected, the biochemistry conserved, depleted stocks restored and adverse environmental impacts assessed and corrected?

- Is the level of excess capacity defined? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Is excess capacity avoided? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

- Do the economic conditions under which the fishery operates promote responsible fisheries? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Are interests of small-scale, etc., fishermen accounted for? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

- Has the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems been conserved (as a result of operation of the fishery in question)? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Have depleted stocks been allowed to recover or, where appropriate, restored? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

- Have adverse environmental impacts on the stocks from human activities been assessed and, where appropriate, rectified? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

- Have pollution and waste been minimized? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

- Has catch by lost and abandoned gear of commercial species and other organisms been minimized? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

- Have selective and environmentally-safe and cost-effective fishing methods been developed? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.2.3 Have the impacts of environmental factors on target species and those species associated with, dependent on, or belonging dependent on the target stocks, been assessed? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]


7.3 Management framework and procedures

7.3.1 (a) Have the management measures developed taken into account the whole stock unit over its entire area of stock distribution? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Have previously-agreed management measures established and applied in the same region been considered? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(c) Have all removals and the biological unity and other biological characteristics of the stock been considered? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(d) Has the best scientific evidence available been used to determine, inter alia, the area of distribution of the resource? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(e) Have all removals and the biological unity and other biological characteristics of the stock been considered? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(f) Has the area through which the species migrates during its life cycle been considered? Yes...[1] No...[0]

*7.3.2 In the case of a transboundary, straddling and highly migratory fish stock or high seas fish stock throughout its range, are the conservation and management measures established for such stock within the jurisdiction of the relevant States, or the appropriate subregional, regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements, compatible? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

7.3.3 Have long-term management objectives been translated into a plan or other management document (subscribed to by all interested parties)?

- Is there a plan? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Is it subscribed to? Yes...[1] No...[0]

*7.3.4 Have attempts been made to foster cooperation in all matters related to:

- information gathering and exchange? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- fisheries research? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- fisheries management? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- fisheries development? Yes...[1] No...[0)


7.4 Data gathering and management advice

7.4.2 Has relevant research been carried out on:

- the resource? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- climatic and environmental factors? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- the socio-economic context? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.4.3 Has research been carried out on:

- cost-benefits of fishing? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- alternative management strategies? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.4.4 Are timely and reliable statistics available on catch and fishing effort maintained in accordance with applicable international standards and practices and in sufficient detail to allow sound statistical analysis? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.4.5 Has sufficient knowledge of social, economic and institutional factors relevant to the fishery in question been developed through data gathering, analysis and research? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

7.4.6 Are fishery-related and other supporting scientific data relating to fish stocks covered by subregional or regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements compiled in an internationally agreed format and provided in a timely manner to the organization or arrangement?

- in an internationally agreed format? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- in a timely manner? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.4.7 With respect to the data collected for management purposes, are applicable confidentiality requirements complied with? Yes...[1] No...[0]


7.5 Precautionary approach

7.5.1 (a) Has the precautionary approach been applied widely to conservation, management and exploitation of living aquatic resources in order to protect them and preserve the aquatic environment? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

(b) Has the absence of adequate scientific information been used as a reason for postponing or failing to take conservation and management measures? No...[1] Occasionally... [½] Often...[0]

7.5.2 Has there been an attempt to determine for the stock both safe targets for management +3 (Target Reference Points) and limits for exploitation (Limit Reference Points), and, at the same time, the action to be taken if they are exceeded?

- Have target reference point(s) been established? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Have limit reference points been established? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Have data and assessment procedures been installed measuring the position of the fishery in relation to the reference points established? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Have management actions been agreed to in the eventuality that data sources and analyses indicate that these reference points have been exceeded? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.5.4 (a) For new and exploratory fisheries, are procedures in place for promptly applying precautionary management measures, including catch or effort limits? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Have provisions been made for the gradual development of new or exploratory fisheries while information is being collected on the impact of these fisheries, allowing an assessment of the impact of such fisheries on the long-term sustainability of the stocks? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Have precautionary management provisions been established early on? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Has information collection been initiated early to allow impact assessment? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.5.5 (a) Have contingency plans been agreed to in advance on the appropriate temporary management response to serious threats to the resource as a result of overfishing or adverse environmental changes or other phenomena adversely affecting the resource? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Have these emergency (temporary) responses been agreed to due to:

- natural phenomena adversely impacting the stock? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- fishing adversely impacting the stock? Yes...[1] No...[0]


7.6.1 Is the level of fishing permitted commensurate with the current state of the fishery resources? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.6.2 Are fishing vessels allowed to operate on the resource in question without specific authorization? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.6.3 (a) Have attempts been made to measure fleet capacity operating in the fishery? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Have mechanisms been established where excess capacity exists to reduce capacity to levels commensurate with sustainable use of the resource? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.6.5 Has the fishery been regulated in such a manner that conflict among fishers using different vessels, gear and fishing methods are minimized? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.6.6 In the course of deciding on use, conservation and management of the resource, were relevant national laws and regulations relating to the traditional practices needs and interests of indigenous people and local fishing communities highly dependent on these resources for their livelihood taken into account? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

7.6.7 Have the cost-effectiveness and social impact been considered in the evaluation of alternative conservation and management measures? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.6.8 Are procedures in place to keep the efficacy of current conservation and management measures and their possible interactions under continuous review to revise or abolish them in the light of new information?

- Have review procedures been established? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Does a flexible mechanism for revision of management measures exist? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.6.9 (a) Are appropriate measures being applied to minimize:

- waste and discards? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- catch of non-target species (both fish and non-fish species)? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- impacts on associated, dependent or endangered species? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Are technical measures being taken in relation to:

- fish size? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- mesh size or gear? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- discards? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- closed seasons? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- closed areas? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- areas reserved for particular (e.g. artisanal) fisheries? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- protection of juveniles or spawners? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(c) Are suitable arrangements in place to promote, to the extent practicable, the development and use of selective, environmentally safe and cost-effective gear and techniques? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.6.10 Have measures been introduced to identify and protect depleted resources and those resources threatened with depletion, and to facilitate the sustained recovery of such stocks? Yes...[1] No...[0]


7.7 Implementation

7.7.1 Has an effective legal and administrative framework been established at the local and national level, as appropriate, for fishery resource conservation and management? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.7.2 (a) Are national laws in place that provide for sanctions? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Are these adequate in severity to be effective? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(c) Do sanctions affect (refusal/withdrawal/suspension) authorization to fish in the event of non-compliance with conservation and management measures in force? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.7.3 Are there in place:

- monitoring control and surveillance schemes? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- observer programmes? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- inspection schemes? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- vessel monitoring schemes? Yes...[1] No...[0]

*7.7.4 (a) Have States and subregional or regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements, as appropriate, agreed on the means by which the activities of such organizations and arrangements will be financed, bearing in mind, inter alia, the relative benefits derived from the fishery and the differing capacities of countries to provide financial and other contributions?

- Is the capacity of member countries to finance taken into account? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Is there an agreement on financing? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- Is there an agreement on relative benefits? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Is it possible for such organizations and arrangements to agree on an attempt to recover the costs of fisheries conservation, management and research measures (and their enforcement) that are in place? Yes...[1] No...[0] Does an Agreement on cost recovery exist? Yes...[1] No...[0]

7.7.5 (a) Have States which are members of or participants in subregional or regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements taken steps to implement (into national legislation and practice) internationally agreed measures adopted in the framework of such organizations or arrangements which are consistent with international law? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) In particular, have national measures been adopted to deter the activities of vessels flying the flag of non-members or non-participants which engage in activities which undermine the effectiveness of conservation and management measures established by such organizations or arrangements? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]


Score Article 7 (Maximum = 108)

(Maximum = 87 for fisheries in national waters, i.e. omitting clauses marked with *)

Article 8 - Fishing Operations

8.1 Duties of all States

8.1.1 Are States involved in the fishery ensuring that only fishing operations allowed by them are conducted within waters under their jurisdiction and that these operations are carried out in a responsible manner? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

*8.1.2 Are States involved in the fishery maintaining a record, updated at regular intervals, on all authorizations to fish issued by them? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

*8.1.3 Are States involved in the fishery maintaining, in accordance with recognized international standards and practices, statistical data, updated at regular intervals, on all fishing operations allowed by them? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

8.1.4 Are States involved in the fishery, in accordance with international law, within the framework of subregional or regional fisheries management organizations or arrangements, cooperating to establish systems for monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement of applicable measures with respect to fishing operations and related activities in waters outside their national jurisdiction? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

8.1.7 Are education and training programmes enhancing the education and skills of fishers and, where appropriate, their professional qualifications, taking into account agreed international standards and guidelines? Yes...[1] No...[0]

8.1.8 Are records of fishers being maintained which should, whenever possible, contain information on their service and qualifications, including certificates of competency, in accordance with their national laws? Yes...[1] No...[0]

8.1.9 Do measures applicable in respect of masters and other officers charged with an offence relating to the operation of fishing vessels include provisions which may permit, inter alia, refusal, withdrawal or suspension of authorizations to serve as masters or officers of a fishing vessel? Yes...[1] No...[0]

8.1.10 Is an attempt being made to ensure that, through education and training, all those engaged in fishing operations are given information on the most important provisions of this Code, as well as provisions of relevant international conventions and applicable environmental and other standards that are essential to ensure responsible fishing operations? Yes...[1] No...[0]


8.2 Flag State duties

*8.2.1 (a) Are flag States maintaining records of fishing vessels entitled to fly their flag and authorized to fish, which indicate details of the vessels, their ownership and authorization to fish? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

(b) Have such vessels have been issued with, and carry on board, a Certificate of Registry and authorization to fish? Yes...[1] No...[0]

*8.2.2 Are Flag States taking steps to ensure that no fishing vessels entitled to fly their flag fish on the high seas or in waters under the jurisdiction of other States unless such vessels have been issued with a Certificate of Registry and have been authorized to fish by the competent authorities? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

*8.2.3 Are national fishing vessels authorized to fish on the high seas or in waters under the jurisdiction of a State other than the Flag State marked in accordance with uniform and internationally recognizable vessel marking systems such as the FAO Standard Specifications and Guidelines for Marking and Identification of Fishing Vessels? Yes...[1] No...[0]

8.2.4 Is there national legislation requiring fishing gear to be marked, taking into account uniform and internationally recognizable gear marking systems, in order that the owner of the gear can be identified? Yes...[1] No...[0]

*8.2.6 Are States involved in a fishery on the high seas party to the Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Vessels Fishing in the High Seas? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

*8.2.7 (a) Are Flag States taking enforcement measures in respect of fishing vessels entitled to fly their flag which have been found by them to have contravened applicable conservation and management measures, including, where appropriate, making the contravention of such measures an offence under national legislation? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Are sanctions applicable in respect of violations and illegal activities adequate in severity to be effective in securing compliance and discouraging violations wherever they occur? Yes...[1] No...[0]


8.4 Fishing operations

8.4.2 Have States prohibited within national legislation dynamiting, poisoning and other comparable destructive fishing practices? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

*8.4.3 (a) Is documentation required with regard to fishing operations, retained catch of fish and non-fish species and, as regards discards, the information required for stock assessment as decided by relevant management bodies, collected and forwarded systematically to those bodies?

- documentation on fishing operations Yes...[1] No...[0]

- documentation on non-fish catches Yes...[1] No...[0]

- documentation on fish catches Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Is such as observer and inspection scheme being established in order to promote compliance with applicable (fishery management) measures? Yes...[1] No...[0]

8.4.4 Is the adoption of appropriate technology being promoted taking into account economic conditions for the best use and care of the retained catch? Yes...[1] No...[0]

8.4.5 Are States and relevant groups from the fishing industry encouraging the development and implementation of technologies and operational methods that reduce discards? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

8.4.6 Are technologies, materials and operational methods being applied that minimize the loss of fishing gear and the ghost fishing effects of lost or abandoned fishing gear? Yes...[1] No...[0]

8.4.7 Are assessments being carried out of the implications of habitat disturbance prior to the introduction on a commercial scale of new fishing gear, methods and operations? Yes...[1] No...[0]

8.4.8 Is research being promoted on the environmental and social impacts of fishing gear and, in particular, on the impact of such gear on biodiversity and coastal fishing communities, being promoted?

- on the environmental impacts? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- on the social impacts? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- on the impact on biodiversity? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- on the impact on coastal fisheries? Yes...[1] No...[0]


8.5 Fishing gear selectivity

8.5.1 (a) Where practicable, is there a requirement that fishing gear, methods and practices are sufficiently selective as to minimize waste, discards, catch of non-target species - both fish and non-fish species - and impacts on associated or dependent species and that the intent of related regulations is not circumvented by technical devices and that information on new developments and requirements is made available to all fishers? Yes...[1] No...[0] Are regulatory measures being circumvented by technical devices? Yes...[0] Sometimes...[½] No...[1]

(b) Are fishers cooperating in the development of selective fishing gear and methods? Yes...[1] Sometimes...[½] No...[0]

8.5.2 Do regulations governing the selectivity of fishing gear take into account the range of fishing gear, methods and strategies available to the industry? Yes...[1] No...[0]

8.5.3 Are States and relevant institutions involved in the fishery collaborating in developing standard methodologies for research into fishing gear selectivity, fishing methods and strategies? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

8.5.4 Is international cooperation being encouraged with respect to research programmes for fishing gear selectivity and fishing methods and strategies, dissemination of the results of such research programmes and the transfer of technology? Yes...[1] No...[0]


8.11 Artificial reefs and fish aggregation devices

8.11.1 Have policies been developed for increasing stock populations and enhancing fishing opportunities through the use of artificial structures, placed with due regard to the safety of navigation? Yes...[1] No...[0)

8.11.2 When selecting the materials to be used in the creation of artificial reefs, as well as when selecting the geographical location of such artificial reefs, have the provisions of relevant international conventions concerning the environment and safety of navigation been observed? Yes...[1] No...[0]

8.11.3 (a) Are management systems for artificial reefs and fish aggregation devices established within the framework of coastal area management plans? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Does the construction and deployment of such reefs and devices take into account the interests of fishers, including artisanal and subsistence fishers? Yes...[1] No...[0]


Score Article 8 (Maximum = 39)

(Maximum = 26 for fisheries in national waters, i.e. omitting clauses marked with *)

Article 10 - Integration of Fisheries into Coastal Area Management

10.1 Institutional framework

10.1.1 Has an appropriate policy, legal and institutional framework been adopted in order to achieve sustainable and integrated use of living marine resources, taking into account the fragility of coastal ecosystems and the finite nature of their natural resources and the needs of coastal communities? Yes...[1] No...[0]

10.1.2 In view of the multiple uses of the coastal area, are representatives of the fisheries sector and fishing communities consulted in the decision-making processes involved in other activities related to coastal area management planning and development? Yes...[1] No...[0]

10.1.3 Do institutional and legal frameworks regulating the possible uses of coastal resources and their access take into account the rights of coastal fishing communities and their customary practices to the extent compatible with sustainable development? Yes...[1] Partly...[½] No...[0]

10.1.4 (a) Has the adoption of fisheries practices been promoted that avoids conflict among +.5 - bottom resource users? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- bottom resource users and other users of the coastal area? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Have procedures and mechanisms been adopted which help settle these conflicts? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(c) Have procedures and mechanisms been established at the appropriate administrative level to settle conflicts which arise within the fisheries sector and between fisheries resource users and other users of the coastal area? Yes...[1] No...[0]


10.2 Policy measures

10.2.1 Is public awareness being created on the need for the protection and management of coastal resources

and the participation in the management process by those affected? Yes...[1] No...[0]

10.2.2 Has an attempt been made to assess the economic, social and cultural value of coastal resources in order to assist decision-making on their allocation and use?

- economic Yes...[1] No...[0]

- social and cultural Yes...[1] No...[0]

10.2.3 Have risks and uncertainties involved in the management of coastal areas been taken into account in setting policies for the management of coastal areas? Yes...[1] No...[0]

10.2.4 In accordance with capacities, have measures been taken to establish or promote the establishment of systems to monitor the coastal environment as part of the coastal management process using physical, chemical, biological, economic and social parameters? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0])

10.2.5 Has multi-disciplinary research in support of coastal area management been promoted on

- environmental and biological aspects? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- economic and social aspects? Yes...[1] No...[0]

- legal and institutional aspects? Yes...[1] No...[0]


10.3 Regional cooperation

10.3.1 Do States with neighbouring coastal areas cooperate with one another in:

- the sustainable use of resources? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

- the conservation of the environment? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]


Score Article 10 (Maximum = 17)

Article 11 - Post-Harvest Practices and Trade

11.1 Responsible fish utilization

11.1.11 Is international domestic trade in fish and fishery products in accord with sound conservation and management practices through the identification of the origin of fish and fish products traded? Yes...[1] No...[0]


11.2 Responsible international trade

11.2.3 Are measures affecting international trade in fish and fishery products transparent, based, when applicable, on scientific evidence, and in accordance with internationally agreed rules? Yes...[1] No...[0]


Score Article 11 (2)

Article 12 - Fisheries Research

12.1 Responsible fishing requires the availability of a sound scientific basis to assist fisheries managers and other interested parties in making decisions, taking into account the special needs of developing countries.

(a) Is appropriate research conducted into all aspects of fisheries, including biology, ecology, technology, environmental science, economics, social science, aquaculture and nutritional science? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]

(b) Are research vessel surveys of the resource and the marine environment carried out? Annually...[1] Occasionally...[½] No...[0]

(c) Are appropriate research and training facilities available and provisions made for staffing and institution building to conduct the necessary research, taking into account the special needs of developing countries? Yes...[1] In part...[½] No...[0]


12.2 Has an appropriate institutional framework been established to determine the applied research which is required and its proper use? Yes...[1] No...[0]

12.3 (a) Are data generated by research being analysed and the results of such analyses published in a way that confidentiality is respected where appropriate? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Are results of analyses being distributed in a timely and readily understandable fashion in order that the best scientific evidence be made available as a contribution to fisheries conservation, management and development? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(c) In the absence of adequate scientific information, is appropriate research being initiated in a timely fashion? Yes...[1] No...[0]

12.4 (a) Are reliable and accurate data required to assess the status of fisheries and ecosystems - including data on bycatch, discards and waste - being collected? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Are these data being provided, at an appropriate time and level of aggregation, to relevant States and subregional, regional and global fisheries organizations? Yes...[1] No...[0]


12.5 (a) Are States monitoring and assessing the state of the stocks under their jurisdiction, including the impacts of ecosystem changes resulting from fishing pressure, pollution or habitat alteration? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Have they established the research capacity necessary to assess the effects of climate or environment change on fish stocks and aquatic ecosystems? Yes...[1] No...[0]

12.6 Are States taking steps to support and strengthen national research capabilities to meet acknowledged scientific standards? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]


12.7 (a) Are States cooperating with relevant international organizations to encourage research in order to ensure optimum utilization of fishery resources? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

(b) Are they stimulating the research required to support national policies related to fish as food? Yes...[1] No...[0]

12.8 (a) Is research being conducted into the study and monitoring of human food supplies from aquatic sources and the environments from which they are taken to ensure that there is no adverse health impact on consumers? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Are results of such research being made publicly available? Yes...[1] No...[0]


12.10 (a) Are studies on the selectivity of fishing gear, the environmental impact of fishing gear on target species and on the behaviour of target and non-target species in relation to such fishing gear being conducted as an aid for management decisions? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Is an attempt being made through research to minimize non-utilized catches? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(c) Is the biodiversity of ecosystems and the aquatic habitat being safeguarded? Yes...[1] No...[0]

12.11 (a) Before the commercial introduction of a new type of gear, is a scientific evaluation of its impact on the fisheries and ecosystems where it will be used being undertaken? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Is the effect of such gear introduction monitored? Yes...[1] No...[0]


12.12 Are traditional fisheries knowledge and technologies being investigated and documented, in particular those applied to small-scale fisheries, in order to assess their application to sustainable fisheries conservation, management and development? Yes...[1] No...[0]

12.13 (a) Is the use of research results as a basis for the setting of management objectives, reference points and performance criteria being promoted? Yes...[1] No...[0]

(b) Is research being used to help ensure adequate linkages between applied research and fisheries management? Yes...[1] No...[0]


12.14 Are States conducting scientific research activities in waters under the jurisdiction of another State, ensuring that their vessels comply with the laws and regulations of that State and international law? Yes...[1] No...[0]

12.17 Are States, either directly or with the support of relevant international organizations, developing collaborative technical and research programmes to improve understanding of the biology, environment and status of transboundary aquatic stocks? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]

12.18 Are States and relevant international organizations promoting and enhancing the research capacities of developing countries, inter alia, in the areas of data collection and analysis, information, science and technology, human resource development and provision of research facilities, in order for them to participate effectively in the conservation, management and sustainable use of living aquatic resources? Yes...[1] Some...[½] No...[0]


Score Article 12 (Maximum = 27)

Please send to:

John Caddy

Chief, Marine Resources Service

Fishery Resources Division

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00100 Rome


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