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Capítulo 1

Aguilar, C y Cañas, R (1992) Simulación de Sistemas: Aplicaciones en Producción Animal. En: Simulación de Sistemas Pecuarias, editado por Manuel Ruiz, IICA, RISPAL, San Jose, Costa Rica. pp. 195-284.

Brown, M. L (1979) Farm Budgets: From Farm Income Analysis to Agricultural Project Analysis. Chapter 6, Farm Models. World Bank Staff Occasional Papers Number 29, World Bank, Washington, pp. 69-90.

Dalton, G. E (1982) Managing Agricultural Systems. Chapter 2, Agricultural Systems. Applied Science Publishers, London. pp. 6-20.

Preston, T. R. and Murgueitio, E (1992) Strategy for Sustainable Livestock production in the Tropics. Chapter 9, Sustainable Production Systems. CONDRIT Ltda., Cali, Colombia, pp. 49-79.

Spedding, C. R. W (1975) The Biology of Agricultural Systems. Chapter 3, Biological Systems. Academic Press, London. pp. 42-65.

Capítulo 2

Spedding, C. R. W (1975) The Biology of Agricultural Systems. Chapter 5, The Principles of Animal Production. Academic Press, London. pp. 101-147.

Spedding, C. R. W (1979) An Introduction to Agricultural Systems. Chapter 4, Biological Efficiency in Agriculture. Applied Science Publishers, England. pp. 43-60.

Spedding, C. R. W., Walshingham, J. M and Hoxey, A. M (1981) Biological Efficiency in Agriculture. Chapter 1, Biological Efficiency. Academic Press, London. pp. 3-13.

Capítulo 3

Dent, J. B (1975) The Application of Systems Theory in Agriculture. In: Study of Agricultural Systems, edited by G. E. Dalton. Applied Science Publishers, London. pp. 107-127.

Spedding, C. R. W (1975) The Biology of Agricultural Systems. Appendix, The Methodology of Circular Diagrams. Academic Press, London. pp. 231-241.

Spedding, C. R. W., Walshingham, J. M and Hoxey, A. M (1981) Biological Efficiency in Agriculture. Part III, Efficiency in Animal Production. Academic Press, London. pp. 205-351.

Capítulo 4

Barnard, C. S and Nix, J. S (1979) Farm planning and Control (2nd Edition). Chapter 1, The Planning Environment and the Managerial Function. Cambridge University Press, England. pp. 3-18.

Bishop, C. E. and Toussaint, W. D (1958) Introduction to Agricultural Economic Analysis. Part I, Introduction. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. pp. 2-36.

Brown, M. L (1979) Farm Budgets: From Farm Income Analysis to Agricultural Project Analysis. Chapter 2, Farm Income Analysis. World Bank Staff Occasional Papers Number 29, World Bank, Washington, pp. 9-24.

Castle, E. N., Becker, M. H. y Smith, F. J (1977) Administración de Empresas Agropecuarias (segunda edición). Capítulo 4, Análisis de la Información Administrativa de la Empresa Agropecuaria. Librería "El Ateneo", Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 52-64.

Castle, E. N., Becker, M. H. y Smith, F. J (1977) Administración de Empresas Agropecuarias (segunda edición). Capítulo 12, Administración de la Actividad Ganadera. Librería "El Ateneo", Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 189-201.

Spedding, C. R. W (1979) An Introduction to Agricultural Systems. Chapter 5, Economic Efficiency in Agriculture. Applied Science Publishers, England. pp. 61-70.

Upton, M (1973) Farm Management in Africa; The Principles of Production and Planning. Chapter 2, The Production Function and Profit Maximization. Oxford University Press, London. pp. 21-53.

Capítulo 5

Barnard, C. S and Nix, J. S (1979) Farm Planning and Control (2nd Edition). Part II, The Organization of Enterprises. Cambridge University Press, England. pp. 157-227.

Bishop, C. E. and Toussaint, W. D (1958) Introduction to Agricultural Economic Analysis. Part II, Production and Supply. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. pp. 29-117.

Brown, M. L (1979) Farm Budgets: From Farm Income Analysis to Agricultural Project Analysis. Chapter 7, Financial Analysis. World Bank Staff Occasional Papers Number 29, World Bank, Washington, pp. 91-111.

Gittenger, J. P (1982) Economic Analysis of Agricultural Projects. Chapter 4, Farm Investment Analysis. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA. pp. 85-187.

Nix, J, S (1992) Farm Management Pocketbook (22nd edition). Wye College, University of London, Ashford, England. pp. 216.

Upton, M (1973) Farm Management in Africa; The Principles of Production and Planning. Chapter 12, Farm Business Analysis. Oxford University Press, London. pp. 228-243.

Yang, W. Y (1971) Metodología de las Investigaciones sobre Administración Rural. Capítulo 3, Análisis de la Empresa Rural. FAO, Roma, Italia, pp. 57-87.

Capítulo 6

Barnard, C. S and Nix, J. S (1979) Farm Planning and Control (2nd Edition). Chapter 2, Basic Principles and Concepts of Planning. Cambridge University Press, England. pp. 19-49.

Bishop, C. E. and Toussaint, W. D (1958) Introduction to Agricultural Economic Analysis. Part III, Consumption and Demand. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. pp. 181-221.

Castle, E. N., Becker, M. H. y Smith, F. J (1977) Administración de Empresas Agropecuarias (segunda edición). Capítulo 2, Principios Económicos Librería "El Ateneo", Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 12-28.

Upton, M (1973) Farm Management in Africa; The Principles of Production and Planning. Chapter 8, Capital. Oxford University Press, London. pp. 149-184.

Yang, W. Y (1971) Metodología de las Investigaciones sobre Administración Rural. Capitulo 5, Análisis Marginal de la Relación Factor-Producto. FAO, Roma, Italia. pp. 107-132.

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