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XXXI. Appendix K. Cooperation agreement between the centre for marketing information and advisory services for fishery products in the Arab Region (INFOSAMAK) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The Contracting Parties,

Considering that INFOSAMAK was established with the assistance of FAO, and by a Constituent Assembly convened by the Director-General,

Considering that INFOSAMAK was established as an independent intergovernmental organization by a Constitution, adopted on 24 June 1993, which entered into force on the same day and for which the Director-General of FAO is the Depositary,

Considering that Article 16, paragraph 2 of the Constitution of INFOSAMAK provides that "there shall be a working relationship between INFOSAMAK and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. To this end, INFOSAMAK shall enter into negotiations with the Food and Agriculture Organization for the United Nations with a view to concluding an agreement thereon. Such an agreement shall provide, inter alia, for the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to appoint a representative who will participate in all meetings of INFOSAMAK, but without the right to vote",

Considering also that the General Assembly of the Centre, at its First Regular Session on 18 and 19 September 1994 decided that INFOSAMAK would enter into negotiations with FAO with a view to formalize the cooperation between the two organizations,

Considering further that paragraph 1 of Article XIII of the FAO Constitution states that "in order to provide for close cooperation between the Organization and other international organizations with related responsibilities, the Conference may enter into agreements with the competent authorities of such organizations, defining the distribution of responsibilities and methods of cooperation",

Recognizing the interest which FAO has in the promotion of cooperation relating to marketing of fishery products among the Arab countries,

Recognizing further that INFOSAMAK promotes and enhances technical and economic cooperation among developing countries,

Have agreed as follows:

I. An ongoing cooperation shall be established and maintained between INFOSAMAK and FAO.

II. FAO shall participate in meetings of the General Assembly and of the Technical Committee of INFOSAMAK as an observer.

III. FAO staff members will continue to assist the Centre as technical advisers.

IV. INFOSAMAK shall be invited to participate in the sessions of the Conference and the Council of FAO, in the sessions of the FAO Near East Region bodies as well as in the FAO Regional conferences for the Near East in an observer capacity.

V. FAO shall, as far as possible, and in conformity with the constitutional instruments and decisions of its competent bodies, give due consideration to requests for additional technical assistance made by INFOSAMAK.

VI. As far as possible FAO will use INFOSAMAK as an executing agency for marketing fishery projects in the Arab Region. As appropriate FAO will give due consideration to using INFOSAMAK to execute activities within the mandate of both organizations under an Agreement concerning the Use of Experts for Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries (TCDC Agreement).

VII. INFOSAMAK and FAO may, in appropriate cases, agree to convene under their auspices, according to arrangements to be made in each particular case, joint meetings concerning matters of interest to both organizations.

VIII. INFOSAMAK and FAO may, through special arrangements, decide upon joint action with a view to attaining objects of common interest.

IX. INFOSAMAK and FAO may, when they consider it desirable, set up joint committees or working parties, on conditions to be mutually agreed in each case, to consider matters of common interest.

X. Subject to such arrangements as may be necessary for the safeguarding of classified material, INFOSAMAK and FAO shall arrange for the fullest exchange of information and documents concerning matters of common interest.

XI. The Fishery Industries Division and GLOBEFISH at FAO Headquarters in Rome, in collaboration with the FAO Regional Office for the Near East (RNE) in Cairo, will serve as a focal point for liaison between INFOSAMAK and FAO

XII. The Contracting Parties may decide by mutual agreement to extend the scope of their cooperation as appropriate.

Entry into force

The present Agreement shall enter into force as soon as it has been approved by the appropriate Governing Bodies of both organizations.

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