
Knowledge and information for food security in Africa: from traditional media to the Internet

Authors: Loy Van Crowder, William Lindley, Wendy Truelove, Jean Pierre Ilboudo and Riccardo Del Castello
Year: 1998
Language: English



Food security in Africa

Human resources and food security in Africa

The role of communication technologies

Traditional folk media

Rural radio

Participatory video

The Internet

Conclusions and a look into the future

This publication first appeared in Tam tam to Internet. It was prepared by L. Van Crowder, William I. Lindley, Wendy Truelove, Jean Pierre Ilboudo and Riccardo Del Castello, Extension, Education and Communication Service, SDRE, FAO. Tam tam to Internet is a 450 page book covering different aspects of communication in Africa, produced by Betam Communications in partnership with Mafube Publishing for the Africa Telecom '98 conference in South Africa. Copies may be obtained from: Mafube Publishing, 91 Central Street, P.O. Box 2185, Houghton 2041, Johannesburg, South Africa; tel. 2711 483 386; fax 2711 728 6437.