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Module 1: Concept building and role identification

Module 1: Concept building and role identification


Module 1 addresses important basic concepts about micro-enterprises, micro-enterprise development, the place of micro-enterprise development within the broader development framework of the Women, Population end Development Project, end the role of project officers in micro-enterprise development.


At the end of Module I, participants will be able:

Topic 1: Concept of micro-enterprise

Background and Rationale

The Women, Population and Development (WPD) project aims at improving the status of women through income generating activities and social development activities. Income generating activities therefore are not an end in itself, but a means to achieve the overall goal of improved status of women. This implies that the project supports those income generating activities which contribute most to improving women's status, namely micro-enterprises.

For participants to be able to provide effective guidance for women and women's groups in identification, development and maintenance of micro-enterprises a clear understanding is needed of what a micro-enterprise is, and what the role of micro-enterprise development is in the context of the WPD project.

Output Objectives

At the end of the topic, participants will be able to:


Newsprint, adhesive tape, thick felt tip pens

Activity 1: Defining business

Time: 45 minutes


Important Points

Activity: 2: Defining micro-enterprise

Time : 45 minutes

Steps :

Visual Aid 1-1 Characteristics of Micro Enterprise

Important Points

Activity 3: The role of micro-enterprise development in the WPD project

Time: 1.5 hours


Important Points

Topic 2: Causes of success or failure of a micro-enterprise

Background and Rationale

In general, the poor cannot take unnecessary risks. Their resources and condition are such that they do not have enough to be able to incur losses. If their venture fails, they lose more than their material resources. It erodes their self-confidence. Furthermore, the poor have some kind of distrust of external assistance. When they fail in projects with external assistance, this could reinforces their lack of confidence in external agents. The field worker therefore has a great obligation that sufficient safeguards are provided so that success and not failure results in women's micro-enterprise undertaking.

This topic gives the participants an opportunity to examine the factors contributing to success or failure of a micro-enterprise.

Output Objectives

At the end of the topic, participants will be able to:


Newsprint, adhesive tape, thick felt, tip pens

Activity 1 : Business cycle and aspects

Time: 60 minutes


    Case 1-1 Lin's Cabbage Garden


    Case 1-1 Lin's Cabbage Garden


Visual Aid 1-3 The Business Cycle

Activity 2 : Case study analysis

Time: 1 hour


Visual Aid 1-4 Factors Affecting the Success or Failure of Business

Topic 3: Role Identification in micro-enterprise development

Background and Rationale

The WPD Project seeks to assist women micro-entrepreneurs to overcome their weaknesses and reduce the constraints of their micro-enterprises. Project staff needs to be clear about the type of assistance they need to provide.

This topic will focus on the most common problems micro-entrepreneurs encounter and the required project assistance to help them overcome their problems.

Output Objectives

At the end of the topic, participants will be able to: a. Identify the most common areas of weakness and constraints encountered by micro-entrepreneurs; b. Identify the major areas and types of assistance project staff needs to provide to micro-entrepreneurs.


Newsprint, pens

Activity 1: Common weaknesses and constraints of micro-entrepreneurs

Time: 45 minutes


Visual Aid 1-5 Common Weaknesses and Constraints of Micro-Entrepreneurs

Activity 2: Role of project officers in assisting micro-entrepreneurs

Time: 45 minutes


Visual Aid 1-6 Type of Project Assistance for Rural Women Micro-Entrepreneurs

Annex 1. Visual Aid: 1-1 Characteristics of micro-enterprise

Characteristics of a micro-enterprise include:

Annex 1. Visual Aid: 1-2 Roots, indications and consequences of women's low status




- culture of dependence

- low self esteem

- low contribution to household and community development


- afraid to take risk

- role in decision-making in household and society is limited or small

- traditional thinking

- short-term vision


- many children

- mother and child health poor

- time for productive activities limited


- quality of life generally poor


- heavy burden

- quality of children not so high

- lack of technical skills

- low productivity

- poverty; inefficient use of resources

- limited business skills

- income generation limited

- limited or small contribution to household income


- limited experience in business

- low literacy

- lack creativity

- narrow world view

- lack of funds

- income generation limited

- contribution to household income limited

- lack of organization

- local resources not tapped

- waiting for government to help

Annex 1. Visual Aid: 1-3 The business cycle

The four stages in micro-enterprise development are:

Annex 1. Visual Aid: 1-4 Factors affecting the success or failure of business


Internal Factors

External Factors

Stage in Business Cycle




























Annex 1. Visual Aid: 1-5 Common weaknesses and constraints of micro-entrepreneurs

Most common constraints and weaknesses of micro-entrepreneurs


Internal (weaknesses)

External (constraints)



No thorough market investigation due to lack of information

Information not available to micro-entrepreneur


Limited technical skills

Government services limited to certain groups; not all micro entrepreneurs reached by technical advisory service of the government.


Lack of capital

No access to credit

Organization and Management

Limited skills in estimating income, shortsightedness, low business consciousness

Lack of information/education



Lack of market information,

No contracts/lack of negotiating skills

Inability to adjust to market changes

Market fluctuations/price control

Information not available


Problems with quality of product

In-efficient production

No adequate training and advisory service available


No record keeping

No profit/loss statements

Mixed accounts of the project with other projects/household accounts.

Lack of training programs in household budgeting and financial recording

Annex 1. Visual Aid: 1-6 Type of project assistance for micro-entrepreneurs

Stage of Business

Type of assistance by project office

Planning Stage

· assist in market investigation and provide market information to micro-entrepreneurs


· linkage with relevant institutes to provide technical skills training


· training and assistance in business planning for any aspect of the enterprise (production, marketing, financial, management)


· encourage savings mobilization and provide project loans

Implementation Stage

· link to market to provide timely market information


· link with relevant bureaus to provide regular technical assistance


· training, monitoring and assistance in:


- record keeping


- areas in which the entrepreneur is weak, which can be in any aspect of the enterprise (production, marketing, financial, management)


- savings mobilization


· continuous assessment of entrepreneur's needs and provision of


· appropriate training/technical assistance

Annex 1. Case: 1-1 Lin's cabbage garden


Lin is a farmer in the Dazhai village in Inner Mongolia. She has 2 children. Her husband works as a factory worker.

Lin tills 5 mu of rice land. For many years she has been tanning rice and has not made good profits.

Because of her very low profits from cultivating rice, she thought about planting vegetables. But before she made a decision, Lin made a careful survey in the market of which types of vegetables are in demand and commands higher price. She went to several market places and found out that cabbage sells at a very high price and were in high demand.

She went to an agricultural technician from the Agricultural Bureau and asked how cabbage is grown. Fortunately there was a workshop to be given on cabbage for 2 days. She attended the 2 day workshop and learned how to raise cabbage. Since the workshop was basically conducted through demonstration and field practicum, Lin learned how to plant' water, fertilize, weed and harvest cabbage. She also learned that on 5 mu of land, she will need 200 yuan for land preparation, fertilizers, chemicals, labor and other incidental expenses.

Lin has only 100 yuan. She went to her parents and requested for a loan of 100 yuan at 2% interest per month. Then she went to the market place and secured the commitments from buyers for her cabbage produce. With a ready market for her cabbage, she started to grow cabbage in her land. She religiously followed what she had learned from the workshop at the Agricultural Bureau. I in recorded all her production expenses on cabbage production.

After 3 months, she started harvesting cabbage and selling them to her buyers. She also recorded all her sales. Her total sales amounted to 600 yuan. She made a profit of 400 yuan. Out of the profit, she paid her loan of 100 yuan to her parents including the interest. All the rest of the profit, she reinvested in cabbage production by renting an additional 5 mu of land.



· Lin's management skills have improved because now she has first hand experience; she has learned a new technological skill.

Annex 2. Case: 1-2 Xie Feng Yun's tea processing project


Ms. Xie Feng Yun is one of the active members of the women's group in the Guidun village, a farming community with rolling terrains located some 30 km from the Tongshan county. Like other households in the village, her husband is engaged he farming and wood gathering. She's 33 years old and takes care of the household work and their three children.

Since she joined the group she has been thinking how to help her husband generate additional income for the family. At first, upon discussion with other women members, she thought of a small scale furniture workshop. But the capitalization required was 50,000 Yuan and she could not afford such capital.

She finally decided on a tea processing project. The raw materials (tea leaves) are readily available in the village since most farmers, including her husband, grow tea in the village. Moreover, she learned from the peddlers who often visit their village looking for tea leaves, that processing tea would earn her good income. She learned from them that if she sells in Tongshan county, she can make a gross profit of 20 rmb per jin and or even higher at 1 20 rmb if she sells in Wuhan. Also, she has a younger sister who used to work in a tea processing factory and she was confident she could learn the techniques required in such activity.

Encouraged by the potential of the project she obtained a loan from the women's group. In addition, she had some savings of her own and she was able to start the project in March 1993.

In spring the tea crops produce the best quality lea leaves. Ms. Xie decided to process tea only during this season For the whole season she was able to sell 56 jin. In selling at Tongshan she later learned that there are different prices depending on the quality of dried tea. Nevertheless after investigating which among the three buying stations in Tongshan offered the best price, she settled into one station.

She however incurred losses when she tried to sell in Wuhan. About 20 jin was not paid for at all.

She personally took care of the project. Her husband and children assisted her in some of the activities of the project like gathering of wood for the stove and stirring the leaves on the pan. They could process 5 jin of wet leaves per day. She had minimal expenses for the project. She bought about 50% of the wet tea requirements from the village. The rest of the wet tea leaves, she obtained from their own harvest. She also had sufficient wood oil which was already good for the whole season She did not buy the needed pans as she had already two before the project and these were enough for the quantify she has been processing.

She was not able to keep records of the financial transactions but she is confident she was able to earn from her business. Although the income of the project is mixed with their other household income, she was sure that the whole net profit was used to invest in another project, a chair manufacturing project. At the same time, she is planning to expand her tea processing project for the whole three seasons that is including during summer and autumn. She also plans to hire workers so that she can process more.


Xie Feng Yun's Tea Processing Factors Affecting the Success or Failure of Business

Output Task 1


Internal Factors

External Factors

Business Stage





A. Planning Stage



· Raw materials grown by family

· No skills. but sister can assist

· Villagers grow tea


· Sister has skills in tea processing




· No concrete market info (relied on informants info)

Tea factory in town


· No anticipation of quality requirements



· Own savings


· Loan from women's group capital available



· Husband supportive


B. Implementation



· Raw materials availability


· Skills learned easily




· Lack negotiating skills


· Only 1 good market outlet



· No records


· Mixed accounts


· Can not determine


real net income



· Supportive family


Output Task 2

Undertaking of this micro-enterprise strengthens Ms. Xie's self reliance, because:

· she plans and manages the enterprise herself

· others will respect her for her achievements (break through in traditional thinking)

Annex 2. Case: 1-3 Pai Lou grocery shop


Pai Lou is a farming village with 102 households (940 population) of Fuyou township. Since the village is quite far from the township proper, people used to buy their groceries in the township operated grocery shop in the village. the shop however was not very well run as the operator was ill for some time.

Realizing this situation. Ms. Tao Tong Lian thought of operating her grocery shop right in the village. Their house is located in the center of village, hence it is very convenient for most villagers to come to her store. She constructed a small shed to convert part of her house into the grocery shop.

She obtained a loan for the shop from the women's group. I his amount plus her own savings (total 1000 rmb) enabled her to refurbish the shed and to buy in wholesale grocery items from the township.

Seventy percent of her groceries are food products, like canned goods, soft drinks and beer while 30% are basic necessity items such as soap. She goes to the township about 5 to 6 times a month to buy her groceries. Besides transportation she has to pay a tax regularly.

About fifty percent of the villagers buy from her shop on credit which they pay witch 10 to 30 days. The rest buys on cash. She reported a gross sales of 1,500 Yuan/month and gross margin of 20% on her groceries.

So far her business is doing well. Fast selling items are usually the consumable items like beer, soft drinks and cigarettes. Since she's also busy with other work, she let her child look after the store. Likewise, she has not enough time to regularly record her financial transactions. She accepts that sometimes the family consumes some of the grocery items of the shop and these are not recorded.


Pai Lou Grocery Shop Factors Affecting the Success or Failure of Business

Output Task 1


Internal Factors

External Factors

Business Stage





A. Planning Stage





· house at center of village


· township grocery no good (clients not satisfied)

· far from source of goods


· knows goods that sell well



· own savings


· loan from women's group capital available


· knows margin decision



· supportive husband


· time available


B. Implementation





· correct commodities inventory

· no inventory record (consumption mixed

· wholesale purchase possible




· no records


· income not clear



· child available as keeper

· time availability of husband and wife


Output Task 2

Ms. Tao has shown that she has the principle of self-reliance in that she has identified the opportunity for a successful enterprise, has raised the capital, prepared well before starting and makes a profit. However, since she does not manage and oversee (no financial records, mixed accounts) her business, she does not fully develop her talent to grow into a skillful and successful entrepreneur.

Annex 2. Case: 1-4 Ms. Yuan Wang Ti's tobacco production project


Ms. Yuan Wang Ti is one of the members of the women's group in Pai Shu village. Pai-Shu is a farming village with hilly terrain and located some 4 km away from the town proper of Huangxia. Her family plants rice and corn. Within the year, her husband can make two croppings of rice and corn. The rest of the year, particularly during winter season, her husband grows other crops such as wheat and beans.

To help her husband, Yuan Wang Ti raises pigs and ducks. But these crops as well as the livestock raised arc mainly for consumption. The family has three children, the youngest about a year old. Her father also resides in their household.

In the beginning of 1993, the township government campaigned in the villages to grow tobacco. they promised that they would buy all their produce at a fixed price and seeds would be given free to interested growers. They also promised to give the coal on credit. ( l he coal is used for fuel for the drying facility). Further, the township was willing to provide fertilizer, pesticides and plastic films on credit.

Encouraged by the prospects of tobacco growing, Ms. Yuan's family decided on engaging on such activity in March 1993. They invested their earnings from duck raising into the project. In addition. Ms. Yuan applied and got a loan from the women's group.

Her husband constructed 2 drying facilities and he got coal for the facility from the township.

Her husband chose the sloping areas for tobacco growing. Since March until the succeeding tour months, the township technician provided him technical advice and has been visiting them frequently. He was able to learn the skills and technological requirements.

His whole family assisted him in the undertaking, including his wile. But since they couldn't do the planting alone, they hired 10 workers to finish the work in one day. For harvesting, they will have to hire again 10 workers. He estimates his harvest will be the highest in the village.

He carefully followed the technical advice on growing tobacco. He obtained on credit from the township the recommended plastic film, fertilizer and pesticides in the amount the recommended by the technician. He also acquired on credit (i.e. to be deducted from sales proceeds) the initial ton coal for drying.

The rest of the farmers in the village did not harvest the same level as he did. In fact. some of them were not able to harvest anything at all. The villagers accounted this was due to the heavy rains in the past months. As most of them grew the tobacco in the plain areas, most of their fields got flooded.

However, when he sold part of his first harvest to the buying station, he found out that the price dropped considerably. The price was way below the price the township had promised to pay. With the new price. the gross sales of the harvest will be far less than expected and he expects a net loss of 170 rmb. He cannot sell to any other buying station since it is the only one licensed by the township to procure tobacco. Neither can he sell it directly to the tobacco factory.

Another problem is that he needs to harvest the remaining standing crops soon so that it will not lose quality. But to do that, his fuel requirements (coal) must be ready. He needs another 3 tons of coal. Before, the township allowed him to have the coal on credit, but now he has to buy it in cash.

Both husband and wife did not keep any financial records. He said he can remember every transaction accurately. However he could not give exact estimates on how much he actually invested. He mixed the accounts of the sugarcane and tobacco production. In the end Ms. Yuan was not able to repay her loan to the group.


Yuan Wang Ti's Tobacco Production Factors Affecting the Success or Failure of Business

Output Task 1


Internal Factors


External Factors


Business Stage





A. Planning Stage



· farmer, trainable

· does not yet know tobacco growing

· technician will provide advice


· land available

· inputs available on credit



· no market investigation

· township will buy


· no other buyers known


· relied on government information on pricing


· no contract


· own savings


· did not estimate well loan from women's group available


· price change not anticipated




B. Implementation



· good farming skills


· inputs no longer available on credit



· can not negotiate higher price


· no other buyer


· buyer dictates price (price dropped)



· mixed accounts


· no more cash for input requirement




· no decisions by wife


Output Task 2

Undertaking of this micro-enterprise does not strengthen Ms Yuan Wang Ti's self reliance, primarly because it is not she who is in control of the business, but her husband

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