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Module 5: Action planning and evaluation

Module 5: Action planning and evaluation


Module 5 addresses the concerns on what happens next after this training. This will help guide the participants on the concrete follow-through activities and actions that need to be done after the training.

The second activity of Module 5 is the evaluation of the training.


At the end of Module 5, participants will have:

Topic 1: Action planning

Background and Rationale

In module I participants have identified the major areas of project assistance to women's groups in micro-enterprise development. In subsequent modules the role and tasks of project officers were detailed. In this topic participants will review the training content and concretize their tasks in relation to women's groups activities. They will also determine the content areas of training for project staff and women's groups and develop a training plan for their respective counties/ townships in the next half year.

Output Objectives

At the end of the topic, participants will have:

Activity 1: Role delineation

Time: 1 hour


Visual Aid 1-6 Type of Project Assistance to the Micro-Entrepreneur

Visual Aid T-1 Training Design


Women's Group

Township Officer

County Officer

Business Planning

· trained in ME development

· trained in ME development

· trained in ME development


· trains WG in ME development

· trains TS officers and/or WG in ME development


· prepare business plans, incl. market investigation

· assist WG with planning, market information, arrangements training, technical advisory service, etc.

· assist in opportunity scanning, finding markets, improving quality


· start technical skills training


· assist WG and TS officer when needed

Loan Applications

· prepare individual loan applications and group loan applications

· assist WG with preparation loan application

· assist WG and TS officer when needed


· assess applications

· assess applications


· formulate recommendations and follow through assistance

· assess TS evaluation report


· summarize data for Governing Body


· prepare TS evaluation report

· formulate recommendations and follow through action


· submit TS evaluation report to county


· prepare and submit evaluation report to Governing Body


· write agreements


· release funds


· release to members incl. agreements

· monitor loan utilization monthly

· monitor monthly


· technical skills training

· train WG or arrange training by experts

· coordinate inputs relevant bureaus


· mutual support


· clear group financial system and records

· monitor and assist group in record keeping and policy formulation

· monitor and assist WG and TS officer


· individual financial records and analysis, incl. income statements

· assist micro-entrepreneurs, eg. with record keeping, market information

· assist micro entrepreneurs and TS officer in opportunity scanning, market information, improving quality


· monitor and review


· submit group financial status to members and TS officer

· regular review group financial status together with group


· repayments

· monitor, update records and submit monthly report to county

· monitor, update records and submit monthly report to Governing Body and DOFTEC


· identify and solve problems

· identify and solve problems

Activity 2: Training plan

Time: 1 hour









(township or county project officers, group accountant, how many)

(which modules, topics, what modifications)

(township or county project officers, women's groups, loan committees, other; how many of each)

(number of days)








Topic 2: Evaluation

Background and Rationale

Participants will have filled in an evaluation form after each module. The facilitators therefore already have a consolidation of the written evaluation when this topic starts. In this topic participants will be asked to evaluate the whole training and to come up with suggestions for improvement for the facilitators. The evaluation will show which parts of the training require special attention, which were most useful for the participants and what follow through action can be expected.

Output Objectives

At the end of the topic, participants will have:

Activity 1: Evaluation

Time: 1 hour


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