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1. Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

During the course of the Inter-regional Project for Participatory Upland Conservation and Development (the project) 32 User Groups, including 8 Women Groups, have been formed to date. Most of these user groups have been actively involved in the participatory planning and implementation of activities coordinated by the project.

The Women Groups differ from the general user groups in several respects:

Women are relatively disadvantaged: they do not inherit paternal property or rights to land and property, they have less access to services, they often are less well educated, lack confidence, and so on. By organizing themselves in women groups, they hope to improve their situation.

While visiting and reviewing women groups in the project area (Bhusunde Khola watershed), the National Consultant Sociologist (the consultant) became aware of certain recurrent weaknesses of these groups, in particular:

From the point of view of watershed management, women are very important as users and managers of natural resources. Women are therefore a major target group in the participatory approach to integrated watershed management. Women groups will play an increasingly important role in conservation and development activities in the project area (as elsewhere in Nepal), but this process needs to be supported by specific training in troth managerial and technical skills (income generating activities).

Thus the project decided to initiate a series of training courses to development group leadership and management skills.

1.2. Objectives of the training

The objectives of the Leadership Development and Management Training were:

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