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3. Recommendations

3. Recommendations

The leadership development and management training should be seen as an initial training to improve the process of women group formation and performance. It is recommended to systematically conduct leadership development and management training in all existing and newly formed user groups.

It is recommended to monitor the performance of the trained women groups through regular visits of the project motivators.

It is recommended to organize follow-up with training courses in specific management and technical skills (to be identified).

It is recommended to organize any training course targeted at women as close to their residence as possible. Training courses should also be organized in such a way that they can be combined with the heavy workload of women, e.g. not too much in one day, and preferably evening sessions.

Any organization or project working through people's participation and using the concept of (user) group formation is recommended to use the FAO publication "The Group Promotor's Resource Book, a practical guide to building rural self-help groups" as an important resource in design and implementation of their programs.

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