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Belshaw, D.G.R (1988) Linkages between Policy Analysis, National Planning, and Decentralized Planning for Rural Development. Training Materials for Agricultural Planning #18. Rome: FAO

Bendavid-Val, Avrom. (1990) Rural Area Development Planning: A Review and Synthesis of Approaches. Training Materials for Agricultural Planning #21. Rome: FAO.

_____.(1991) Rural Area Development Planning: Principles, Approaches, and Tools of Economic Analysis. Vol. 1. Training Materials for Agricultural Planning # 27/1. Rome: FAO.

Buvinic, M. (1986) Projects for Women in the Third World: Explaining their Misbehavior. World Development, 14:5.

Clark/Egerton Universities et al. (1991) Participatory Rural Appraisal Handbook. Worcester, MA: Clark University Program for International Development.

Conyers, Diane. (1993) Guidelines on Social Analysis for Rural Area Development Planning. Training Materials for Agricultural Planning #34. Rome: FAO.

Ellis, Frank. (1992) Agricultural Policies in Developing Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

FAO (1984) Planning Agriculture. Policy Analysis Division. Rome.

FAO (1985) Toward Improved Multilevel Planning for Agricultural and Rural Development in Asia and the Pacific. Economic and Social Development Paper #52. Rome.

FAO (1986) Guide for Training in the Formulation of Agricultural and Rural Investment Projects. 5 volumes. Development Policy Studies and Training Service, Policy Analysis Division. Rome.

FAO (1997) Socioeconomic and Gender Analysis Programme handbooks. Women in Development Service. (Working Drafts)

Feldstein, Hilary Sims and Janice Jiggins eds. (1994) Tools for the Field. Methodologies Handbook for Gender Analysis in Agriculture. West Hartford, Conn.: Kumarian Press.

Feldstein, Hilary Sims and Susan V. Poats eds. (1990) Working Together. Gender Analysis in Agriculture. Vol. 1: Case Studies. Vol. 2: Teaching Notes. West Hartford, Conn.: Kumarian Press.

Gittinger, J. Price. (1966) The Literature on Agricultural Planning. National Planning Association, Center for Development Planning, Planning Methods Series No. 4.

Goetz, Anne Marie. (1995) Institutinalizing Women's Interests and Gender-Sensitive Accountability in Development, IDS Bulletin vol 26 no 3, 1-10.

Hakimian, Hassan and Amdissa Teshome. (1993) Trainers ' Guide: Concepts, Principles and Methods of Training with Special Reference to Agricultural Development. Two volumes. Training Materials for Agricultural Planning #33/1 and 33/2. Rome: FAO.

Harrison, Elizabeth. (1995) Fish and Feminists, IDS Bulletin vol 26 no 3, 39-47.

Kardan, Nuket. (1995) Conditions of Accountability for Gender Policy: the Organizational, Political, and Cognitive Contexts, IDS Bulletin vol 26 no 3, 11-22.

Labonne, Michel. (1988) Modalites de planification agricole en Afrique francophone subsaharienne. Etude FAO developpement economique et social #72. Rome: FAO.

Maetz, Materne and Maria G. Quieti. (1987) Training for Decentralized Planning. Lessons from Experience. Vol. 1. Training Materials for Agricultural Planning #29. Rome: FAO.

Mollett, J.A. (1990) Planning for Agricultural Development. 2nd edition. Aldershot England: Avebury.

Moser, Caroline O.N. (1993) Gender Planning and Development. Theory, Practice, and Training. London: Routledge.

Ostergaard, Lise, ed. (1992) Gender and Development: A Practical Guide. London: Routledge.

Overholt, Catherine et al. (1984) Gender Roles in Development Projects. A Case Book. West Hartford, Conn.: Kumarian Press.

Palmer, Ingrid. (1979) The Nemow Case: Case Studies of the Impact of Large Scale Development Projects on Women: A Series for Planners. New York: the Population Council.

Poats, Susan V. et al. (1988) Gender Issues in Farming Systems Research and Extension. Boulder: Westview Press.

Thomson, Anne and Manfred Metz. (1997) Implications of Economic Policy for Food Security. A Training Manual. Training Materials for Agricultural Planning #40. Rome: FAO.

Young, Kate, ed. (1988) Women and Economic Development. Oxford: Berg and Paris, UNESCO.

_____.(1993) Planning Development with Women. London: Macmillan.

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