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Economic analysis

Economic analysis

a. Economic data analysis

Comparison of profitability before and during R&D (Bray. Mapili, San Enrique, Iloilo)

Total income from farming before R & D: P76,030.00 (see box next page)

Total expenditures from farming before R & D: 19,434.00

Total net income from farming before R & D: P56,596.00

Profitability before R&D:

Crop before R&D

Area Planted (ha)

Vol./Prod./y ear

Market price

Total Value (pesos)

Total expenditures (Pesos)

Palay (n= 10)


355 cav




Corn (n =6)


96 sacks




Peanut (n =6)


60 kilos




Banana (n = 6)


6 kaing




*Expenditures are just an estimate of farmer.

Change in crop production during R&D

Net production during R & D: P81,6771.30

Net production before R & D: P56,596.00

Average % increase in income during R & D= 65.29%

b. Social impact

Project existence in the area brought about worthwhile results among the beneficiaries and the community as well. Through trainings, constant meetings, cross-farm visits, and home and field visitations by the extension worker/site coordinator living in the area, they realized the sincerity and the determination of the government in effecting simultaneous social and economic changes in order to attain a self-reliant community through sustainable development. In addition, the project exceeded the target from 17 farmers with one hectare each to 24 farmer-cooperators with an average of 1.2 hectares. A 141 percent accomplishment was realized, an indication that it has a social acceptability. Economically, the project has increased the level of farmers' income by an average of 65.29 percent compared to their income prior to project implementation in Barangay Mapili, San Enrique, Iloilo

Trust, cooperation, and harmony among members of the association developed during R&D. In the past, most of their time was spent idly on gambling and drinking liquors, and farm activities were undertaken individually. Nowadays, their farms are given top priority and the Bayanihan System mutual help is practiced. Beneficiaries are now easily gathered and troubles in the area decreased. They are grateful for having been chosen as beneficiaries of the project. For while their farm income increased, they served now as models in the community and also partners of the government in upland development.

Figure 4. Stages of the Agroforestry technology adoption in Barangay Mapili, San Enrique, Iloilo.


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