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Advantages of agroforestry as an approach to upland farming

Advantages of agroforestry as an approach to upland farming

1. A perennial tree-based system is less affected by typhoon.

2. Diversified cropping ensures regular income and reduced risks from price fluctuation.

3. Assured income flows even in the first year of planting forest trees from the interplanted short-duration crops.

4. The use of space, light, and land space is maximized.

5. Erosion and weeding cost is minimized.

6. Food, fuel, and fodder needs of the family are met.

7. The use of chemical fertilizers is reduced owing to the presence of leaf litter, leaf mulch, and leaf trimmings from nitrogen-fixing trees.

8. Family labor is maximized throughout the year.

9. Tillage is minimized.

10. Micro climate is improved.

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