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4th World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995



1. Agriculture and Fishing

Objective: to promote and support women's participation in agriculture and fishing (both paid and unpaid activities) and to recognize women's role in food security.

Action plan:

- Agricultural planning systems should take account of the wide range of agricultural activities necessary in our societies for family food security (including nutrition), cash cropping and the production of handicrafts.

- Data on women's activities should be collected and surveys made of needs to support these activities. Intra-household studies of the family unit workings and factors affecting these should be carried out.

- Appropriate agricultural support systems, including where appropriate extension programmes for women should be established.

- Institute appropriate training programmes.

- Regional programmes should support the Women-in-Agriculture lobby, increase financial support to the Women-in-Fishing Network, and mainstream gender issues through all agricultural and fisheries planning.

2. Environment

Objective: to recognize and utilize the critical role and knowledge of women in environmental management and development.

Action plan:

- Increase people's awareness and act in defence of the environment.

- Recognize and increase women's participation in environmental management and development.
- At the national level, ensure mining and logging operations do not have adverse effects on the community and the environment.

- Make adequate arrangements for the safe disposal of wastes, and the recycling of waste at all levels of production, ensuring the Pacific is not used as a dumping ground for waste, poor quality food and medicines.

3. Poverty

Objective: to recognize the increasing incidence of poverty in the Pacific, particularly as it relates to female-headed households, and to promote means to address the root causes of this increasing problem.

Action plan:

- Research and data on poverty levels and causes by region and by country, disaggregated by rural/urban.

- Develop indicators to monitor poverty.

- Support for women's multiple roles.

- Promote equal employment opportunities for men and women.

- Assistance and opportunities for women and men to pursue income-generating activities at the village/community level.

- Provide support through education, information, finance, etc.

- Train women for micro-enterprise development.

- Enact positive policy measures, and establish networks and organizations for women in productive sectors.

- Provide management and skills capacity-building for women.

- Reallocate resources and assign new resources to women's development.

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