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83. This section provides breakdowns of resource allocations and net changes in the programme of work, down to sub-programme or programme entity level. The narratives identify the objectives addressed and the main outputs to be produced in an integrated manner by both Headquarters units and outlying offices. More specific references to underlying detail for 2000-01 will be provided in the full Programme of Work and Budget.

84. As per established practice, the figures are at 1998-99 costs, exclusive of the cost increases expected in 2000-01, which in the Summary are presented only in total (under the preceding Section III).

Summary of Programme of Work and Appropriation by Chapter and Major Programme (All amounts in US$ 000)

MP and Chapter

1998-99 Budget Programme Change 2000-01 Proposal before Cost Increases

Programme of Work

Less: Income

Programme of Work
Less: Income

Programme of Work
Less: Income
Internal Transfers Other Income Internal Transfers Other Income Internal Transfers Other Income
11 Governing Bodies 18 046 0 0 18 046 (540) 0 0 (540) 17506 0 0 17 506
12 Policy, Direction and Planning 22 472 200 2 919 19 353 651 20 (397) 1 028 23 123 220 2 522 20 381
13 External Coordination and Liaison 12 637 0 433 12 204 28 0 0 28 12 665 0 433 12 232
19 Programme Management 756 0 0 756 17 0 0 17 773 0 0 773
1 General Policy and Direction 53 911 200 3 352 50 359 156 20 (397) 533 54 067 220 2 955 50 892
21 Agricultural Production and Support Systems 91 732 1 897 1 491 88 344 185 (468) (468) 1 121 91 917 1 429 1 023 89 465
22 Food and Agriculture Policy and Development 88 533 590 1 331 86 612 247 215 142 (110) 88 780 805 1 473 86 502
23 Fisheries 40 069 243 659 39 167 163 227 (81) 17 40 232 470 578 39 184
24 Forestry 31 592 450 832 30 310 59 (6) (334) 399 31 651 444 498 30 709
25 Contributions to Sustainable Development and Special Programme Thrusts 53 493 (413) 5 433 48 473 (31) (27) (78) 74 53 462 (440) 5 355 48 547
2 Technical and Economic Programmes 305 419 2 767 9 746 292 906 623 (59) (819) 1 501 306 042 2 708 8 927 294 407
31 Policy Assistance 26 500 820 3 358 22 322 (213) (59) (415) 261 26 287 761 2 943 22 583
32 Support to Investment 50 504 0 30 295 20 209 (2 517) 303 (3 035) 215 47 987 303 27 260 20 424
33 Field Operations 40 282 6 800 29 779 3 703 (5 417) 0 (3 991) (1 426) 34 865 6 800 25 788 2 277
34 FAO Representatives 66 341 0 2 020 64 321 (503) 0 (350) (153) 65 838 0 1 670 64 168
35 Cooperation with External Partners 8 600 0 3 099 5 501 425 0 (568) 993 9 025 0 2 531 6 494
39 Programme Management 2 308 0 335 1 973 (5) 0 (25) 20 2 303 0 310 1 993
3 Cooperation and Partnerships 194 535 7 620 68 886 118 029 (8 230) 244 (8 384) (90) 186 305 7 864 60 502 117 939
41 Technical Cooperation Programme 76 672 (10 587) 0 87 259 (395) (205) 0 (190) 76 277 (10 792) 0 87 069
42 TCP Unit 2 188 0 0 2 188 190 0 0 190 2 378 0 0 2 378
4 Technical Cooperation Programme 78 860 (10 587) 0 89 447 (205) (205) 0 0 78 655 (10 792) 0 89 447
51 Information and Publications Support 14 073 0 0 14 073 683 0 0 683 14 756 0 0 14 756
52 Administration 53 033 0 9 610 43 423 (3 888) 0 (1 329) (2 559) 49 145 0 8 281 40 864
5 Support Services 67 106 0 9 610 57 496 (3 205) 0 (1 329) (1 876) 63 901 0 8 281 55 620
60 Common Services 45 557 0 4 394 41 163 (431) 0 (363) (68) 45 126 0 4 031 41 095
6 Common Services 45 557 0 4 394 41 163 (431) 0 (363) (68) 45 126 0 4 031 41 095
70 Contingencies 600 0 0 600 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 600
7 Contingencies 600 0 0 600 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 600


745 988 0 95 988 650 000 (11 292) 0 (11 292) 0 734 696 0 84 696 650 000

Summary of Other Income Estimates by Source and Major Programme
Comparison of 1998-99 Budget to 2000-01 Budget (All amounts in US$ 000)

MP and Chapter

1998-99 Budget 2000-01 Budget

Variance 2000-01 Over (Under) 1998-99

Jointly Funded Activities Technical Support Services Admin. Support Service Other Income Total Other Income Jointly Funded Activities Technical Support Services Admin Support Services Other Income Total Other Income US$ 000 Percent
12 Policy, Direction and Planning 0 308 2 362 249 2 919 0 328 1 898 296 2 522 (397) (14%)
13 External Coordination and Liaison 0 0 0 433 433 0 0 0 433 433 0 0%
1 General Policy and Direction 0 308 2 362 682 3 352 0 328 1 898 729 2 955 (397) (12%)
21 Agricultural Production and Support Systems 0 1 467 3 21 1 491 0 1 006 0 17 1 023 (468) (31%)
22 Food and Agriculture Policy and Development 1 019 312 0 0 1 331 1 144 325 0 4 1 473 142 11%
23 Fisheries 379 280 0 0 659 176 386 4 12 578 (81) (12%)
24 Forestry 403 429 0 0 832 133 365 0 0 498 (334) (40%)
25 Contributions to Sustainable Development and Special Programme Thrusts 2 999 2 172 262 0 5 433 2 999 2 124 232 0 5 355 (78) (1%)
2 Technical and Economic Programmes 4 800 4 660 265 21 9 746 4 452 4 206 236 33 8 927 (819) (8%)
31 Policy Assistance 0 726 2 544 88 3 358 0 686 2 257 0 2 943 (415) (12%)
32 Support to Investment 28 103 1 916 276 0 30 295 25 737 1 277 246 0 27 260 (3 035) (10%)
33 Field Operations 0 1 993 27 786 0 29 779 0 844 24 944 0 25 788 (3 991) (13%)
34 FAO Representatives 0 0 0 2 020 2 020 0 0 0 1 670 1 670 (350) (17%)
35 Cooperation with External Partners 0 0 2 855 244 3 099 0 0 2 531 0 2 531 (568) (18%)
39 Programme Management 0 31 304 0 335 0 40 270 0 310 (25) (7%)
3 Cooperation and Partnerships 28 103 4 666 33 765 2 352 68 886 25 737 2 847 30 248 1 670 60 502 (8 384) (12%)
52 Administration 0 0 8 632 978 9 610 0 0 7 445 836 8 281 (1 329) (14%)
5 Support Services 0 0 8 632 978 9 610 0 0 7 445 836 8 281 (1 329) (14%)
60 Common Services 0 0 4 394 0 4 394 0 0 4 031 0 4 031 (363) (8%)
6 Common Services 0 0 4 394 0 4 394 0 0 4 031 0 4 031 (363) (8%)


32 903 9 634 49 418 4 033 95 988 30 189 7 381 43 858 3 268 84 696 (11 292) (12%)


(All amounts in US$ 000)

Major Programme Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total
1.1 Governing Bodies 18 046 (540) 17 506 32%
1.2 Policy, Direction and Planning 22 472 651 23 123 43%
1.3 External Coordination and Liaison 12 637 28 12 665 23%
1.9 Programme Management 756 17 773 1%
Total 53 911 156 54 067 100%


(All amounts in US$ 000)

Programme Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total
1.1.1 Conference and Council 7 995 (742) 7 253 41%
1.1.2 Conference Services 6 622 170 6 792 39%
1.1.3 Protocol Services 1 732 76 1 808 10%
1.1.9 Programme Management 1 697 (44) 1 653 9%
Total 18 046 (540) 17 506 100%

85.Programme 1.1.1 covers the direct costs of sessions of FAO Governing Bodies, i.e. Conference and Council, as well as Council committees. Expenditures relate primarily to costs for documentation, interpretation and short-term staff, in addition to the travel of government representatives, as provided for in the Financial Regulations. The programme also includes provisions related to the McDougall Memorial Lecture and commemorative awards. The organization of Regional Conferences is now the responsibility of the Regional Offices. The reductions reflect the further impact of efficiencies in meeting duration and document length.

86. Programme 1.1.2 covers the cost of the Secretariat for Conference and Council sessions, including preparation of agendas, schedules of documents, and providing meeting room facilities. These services are also provided for other meetings at Headquarters.

87. Within this programme Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division (GIC) will continue to pursue improved meetings management through more systematic programming including the use of programming tools to ensure the most efficient utilization of translation, interpretation and printing services. Video conferencing and remote printing arrangements have been successfully introduced. However, it is considered that scope for further savings has now been stretched to the maximum extent possible. The implementation of computer assisted translation services is underway and is expected to eventually have long-term benefits in the form of increased translation productivity.

88. GIC also serves as the focal point for relations with all Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) outside the UN system, excluding funding institutions such as the regional banks. Functions include policy advice and liaison, maintenance of reference and documentation systems and active promotion of information exchange and cooperation with other organizations.

89. Programme 1.1.3 covers liaison and protocol work at Headquarters, i.e. liaison with Permanent Representatives and Missions accredited to FAO, liaison with the Host Government regarding implementation of the Headquarters Agreement, and the issuance of travel documents, visas and identity cards.

90. Programme 1.1.9 provides for the cost of divisional direction in GIC and that proportion of the costs of the Office of the Assistant Director-General, General Affairs and Information Department (GI) that can be attributed to management of this Major Programme.


(All amounts in US$ 000)

Programme Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total
1.2.1 Director-General's Office 5 921 73 5 994 26%
1.2.2 Programme Planning, Budgeting and Evaluation 6 993 585 7 578 33%
1.2.3 Audit and Inspection 5 667 (90) 5 577 24%
1.2.4 Legal Services 2 298 59 2 357 10%
1.2.5 Programme and Operational Coordination 1 593 24 1 617 7%
Total 22 472 651 23 123 100%

91. This major programme includes the provisions for the immediate Office of the Director-General (ODG), the Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation (PBE), the Office of the Inspector-General (AUD), the portion of the total costs of the Legal Office (LEG) - as relates more specifically to legal services to the Organization - and that portion of the cost of the Office for Coordination of Normative, Operational and Decentralized Activities (OCD) as relates to its overall coordination responsibilities. The remaining costs of the latter two offices are budgeted under Programme 3.1.3, Legal Assistance to Member Nations, Major Programme 3.4, FAO Representatives and Programme 3.5.3, Cooperation Agreements with Member Nations and Support to ECDC and TCDC.

92. The increase under Programme 1.2.2 Programme Planning, Budgeting and Evaluation is to cover the cost of replacing PLANSYS Budget Preparation and Work Planning Modules with an Oracle-based version fully integrated into the new financial systems of the Organization.

93. The change in the work of Audit and Inspection reflects the reduction in services provided to WFP. As regards Programme 1.2.3, it is recalled that AUD also has four outposted staff in the Regional Offices.

94. In general terms, Programme 1.2.4 covers the "in-house counsel" work of the LEG, advice to the Director-General, technical departments and Governing Bodies of the Organization on legal matters, servicing of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM), preparation of international legal agreements at the global and regional levels and performance of the Director-General's depositary functions, advice on legal aspects of relations with the Host Government and with other government and international organizations, representation of FAO in judicial proceedings and other proceedings for the settlement of disputes and, in particular, handling of cases before the ILO Administrative Tribunal. .LEG also provides legal services to the WFP Secretariat and Executive Board under this programme.

95. Under Programme 1.2.5, OCD will continue to carry out its essential coordinating function to ensure synergy and integration of the decentralized offices in the mainstream substantive programmes of the Organization, appropriate delivery of services and full participation and functional complementarity of these offices in the implementation of the Organization's mandate.


(All amounts in US$ 000)

Programme Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total
1.3.1 External Relations and Coordination 4 212 23 4 235 33%
1.3.2 Liaison Offices 8 425 5 8 430 67%
Total 12 637 28 12 665 100%

96. Programme 1.3.1 covers the work of the unit placed under the Special Adviser to the Director-General (SAD) for FAO's coordination and cooperation with other organizations of the UN system and FAO's contributions to several UN system-wide mechanisms, e.g. Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) subsidiary bodies, etc.

97. Programme 1.3.2 covers the Liaison Offices with the United Nations (in New York and Geneva) and for North America (in Washington DC), in Brussels with the European Union and the host country Belgium, and in Yokohama with Japan.


(All amounts in US$ 000)

Programme Description 1998-99 Programme of Work Programme Change 2000-01 Programme of Work Percent of Total
1.9.0 Programme Management 756 17 773 100%
Total 756 17 773 100%

98. Major Programme 1.9 covers the cost of the Management Support Unit (MSU) for ODG Offices (ODGX).

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