· Draft Inventory of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-1997 The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced the availability of the Draft Inventory of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-1997. This report is required of the United States under its responsibilities as a Party to the Framework Convention on Climate Change, established in April 1992 by the Rio Treaty (Earth Summit). Under the Framework Convention, the United States and other developed countries agreed to submit greenhouse gas emissions reports annually to the secretariat of the Convention. (Source: H. Gyde Lund, [email protected])

For copies of the document, please contact: Climate Policy and Programs Division (2175), US EPA, 401 M St. SW, Washington, DC 20460, USA.
Fax: (+1) 202 260 6405;

· Residential wood combustion technology review

US-EPA's new document, Residential wood combustion technology review, by James E. Houck and Paul Tiegs, Omni Environmental Services, Inc, is available on line (http://mha-net.org/docs/rwc01.pdf). This 231-page document is in Adobe® Acrobat® PDF format (about 800 KB) and is recommended to anyone who is interested in the state of the art of North American stove technology and test methodology. The main report is 35 pages long (the remainder being appendixes) and, for those with an interest in the subject, is worth printing out. (Source: "Stoves" e-mail list: [email protected])


Climate change is one of the truly global issues of our time, and forests play an important role in it. Changes in the cover, use and management of forests produce sources and sinks of carbon dioxide which are exchanged with the biosphere. Estimation of the magnitude of these sources and sinks requires reliable estimates of the biomass density of forests. This is the background to the "primer" for estimating biomass and biomass change of tropical forests.

This publication is a practical guide for those who design forest inventories in which biomass estimation is a component. It describes the primary data and measurement requirements for assessment of biomass per hectare. As supporting material, it provides wood density data for a large number of tropical species. It also presents methods that are available for estimating biomass/ha of tropical forest using mainly existing data. Biomass/ha estimates are presented for many tropical countries using the methodologies given.

Copies of the publication may be ordered from: FAO, Sales and Marketing Group, Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
Fax: (+39) 06 57053360;
e-mail: [email protected]

· Broad-search annotated bibliography on acute respiratory infections (ARI) and indoor air pollution (with emphasis on children under five in developing countries), by Daniel M. Kammen, Gemini Wahhaj and Maame Yaa Yiadom

This bibliography is now available via the Environmental Health Project (EHP) Web site (www.crosslink.net/~ehp/aribib2.htm).

In July 1997, the second International Conference on Acute Respiratory Infections was held in Canberra, Australia (http://nceph.anu.edu.au/user/rnd868/aricon.html#the), 13 years after the first held in 1984. Although the first conference included papers on environmental risk factors for acute respiratory infection (ARI), in the second there was no paper or plenary presentation on these factors in developing countries, and only one session out of 34 on the topic in developed countries. This is partly due to a perception in the ARI professional community that little progress has been made in understanding this complicated set of issues. Wishing to dispel this image, although recognizing that there is still much room for additional work, EHP has prepared a bibliography of material related to air pollution and childhood ARI in developing countries, the vast bulk of which had been published in the period between the two conferences.

The first and second ARI bibliographies are complementary. References are not repeated in the two editions; users of these resources should search both bibliographies for references and abstracts for the widest and most update search of papers on acute respiratory illness.

The first bibliography, compiled by John P. McCracken and Kirk R. Smith and published in 1997, contains 192 references pertaining to air pollution as a risk factor for acute respiratory infections. Its focus is ARI in young children in developing countries, who bear the greatest burden of ill-health from ARI worldwide and many of whom seem to have high exposure to a number of harmful air pollutants. A major purpose of the bibliography was to provide an easily accessed source of information on the relationship between ARI and air pollution to researchers and field staff in developing countries, where access to current publications may be limited. For this reason, abstracts were included whenever available. The references, dating from 1968 to 1997, were collected from several databases including Medline, Cambridge.

This second annotated bibliography contains citations and abstracts for 235 papers that relate to air pollution and environmental exposure as a risk for ARI. Like the first volume, this bibliography focuses on children and environmental health conditions in developing nations and augments the 1997 Annotated bibliography on acute respiratory infections and indoor air pollution.

The 1998 edition follows the same general format as its predecessor, with the addition of several new subject categories to reflect a wider search on the ARI exposure, dose, disease, and outcome(s) literature. The geographic categories have also been expanded to reflect some of the areas where a significant number of studies were conducted.

As in the 1997 bibliography, four principal criteria have been applied in choosing references:

· Children under five years of age

· Developing countries

· Indoor air pollution

· Confirmed acute lower respiratory infection or pneumonia

All references generally meeting at least three of these criteria were included in the 1997 edition, while references meeting two of these criteria are included in this edition. This less restrictive search is the genesis of the title "broad search+bibliography". (Source: "Stoves" list.)

Rwedp publications


· Images of wood and biomass energy in industries in Thailand (FD 52), 1998

· Improved Stove Selection and Dissemination: Asia Regional Training of Trainers Workshop, Lombok, Indonesia (RM 42), 1998


· Woodfuel in the Philippines - production and marketing, Baguio City, Philippines (RM 41), 1998

· Woodfuel flow study of Phnom Penh, Cambodia (FD 54), 1998


· Report of the Second Regional Advisory Committee Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand (RM 39), 1998

· Carbon dioxide offset investment in the Asia-Pacific forestry sector: opportunities and constraints (FD 53), 1998


Volumes 9 to 13 (13 issues)

· The new project, Vol. 9.1, 1994

· Regional issues, Vol. 10.1, 1995

· Gender and wood energy, Vol. 10.2, 1995

· Modern wood energy, Vol. 10.3, 1995

· Wood energy planning, Vol. 10.4, 1995

· Wood energy resources, Vol. 11.1, 1996

· Wood energy data, Vol. 11.2, 1996

· Wood energy and environment, Vol. 11.3, 1996

· Wood energy, women and health,

Vol. 12.1, 1997

· Wood energy outlook, Vol. 12.2, 1997

· The people's fuel, Vol. 13.1, 1998

· Wood energy information, Vol. 13.2, 1998

· Wood energy in China, Vol. 13.3, 1998

RWEDP's Web site contains about 50 documents published by RWEDP.
For copies of any of these publications, please contact: Mr Bert van der Plas, APO Information Systems, RWEDP, c/o RAP, Maliwan Mansion, Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
Fax: (+66) 2 280 0760;
e-mail: [email protected];

"A book should be the axe for the frozen sea inside"
Franz Kafka

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